The only place it time where you have any power is in the present. Think about it… if you wanted to move the chair your sitting in , you can only do it in the present. Even your physical power is limited to the present moment.

You simply cannot move the chair in the past or the future. You can wish you had moved the chair in the past and you can plan to move the chair in the future but these are just thoughts about moving the chair and they mean literally nothing, they are of no consequence.

Fact: You have no power to physically change your past.

You do however have the power right now in this present moment to change your thoughts, feelings and attitude about past events. It is after all your mind, your attitude and your feelings and in the present moment no-one has power over them except you. Unless you give that power away to someone else or to past events by the way you choose to think about them.

Frankly you can choose to respond negatively or positively to past events. You are either going to re-act or respond… its your choice.

Re-acting is simply allowing your thoughts to trigger negative emotions about some past event you didn’t like when you experienced it for the first time.

Responding to your past is the simple process of accepting the present moment, realizing that you are where you are now and its okay and then dealing with your past as nothing more than a stream of events you’ve already experienced and lived. Realize that these events only hold power over you when you give them the power to do so.

Mentally accept where you are now and move on from there…

When you dredge up unpleasant memories, It triggers negative emotions like guilt and self-criticism usually followed by thoughts of “I should’ve, I could’ve” or you tend to focus the blame on someone else or something else like having bad luck.

You end up experiencing in the present negative emotions like anger, self-pity, revenge… You fall prey to feeling like a victim.

Yet you’ve changed nothing. You’ve punished no one, except yourself. All you accomplished is to render yourself ineffective, weak and powerless in the present moment. Its like running a marathon with a ankle weights…

Wouldn’t it be easier to just take them off so they don’t weigh you down?

Stray not from the present… Stay tuned more to follow…

Author's Bio: 

Alax Jay,

Discover HOW and WHY negative beliefs sabotage your relationships, jobs and success. And how to easily eliminate self-defeating patterns in your life.