When many people urinate, they find their urine is forked, and they will worry about whether they have any disease? In fact, the phenomenon of split urine stream is common for physiological and pathological reasons.

So is the split urine stream caused by Prostatitis? Come and have a look!

Physiological urine bifurcations

1. Don't urinate all night: many people don't get up at night to urinate so they will accumulate a lot of urine in the bladder. In this way, the pressure in the bladder will increase, the force is relatively large when urinating, and the shape of the urethral orifice will temporarily change, resulting in urine bifurcation.

2. Urination after ejaculation: after male ejaculation, there will be changes in urine bifurcation. It is because some semen still exists in the urethra, causing urine. Urination makes semen mixed and discharged, which will lead to urine bifurcation. Moreover, the congestion of the cavernous body does not entirely disappear, and the temporary blockage of the urethra will also lead to the bifurcation of urination. This situation can return to normal after some time. Don't worry.

Pathological urination bifurcation

1. Urethral disease
Male patients have urinary calculi, urinary tract inflammation, urethral polyps or tumors, and other diseases that lead to urine bifurcations.

When there are urethral stones, the phenomenon of urination bifurcation can also occur. Stones stay in the urethra, affecting the patency of the urethra. At this time, there can be symptoms such as difficulty in urination, split urination, pain, and bleeding in urination.

If it is urinary tract inflammation, inflammation will lead to a small amount of secretion, which will adhere to the urethral orifice and urethral mucosa after drying, resulting in bifurcation when urinating.

It may also be caused by urethral polyps, polyps in the neck of the bladder, and other factors. Polyps lead to urinary tract obstruction, which makes the urethra unobstructed. At this time, there can be split urination, difficulty in urination, and other phenomena, and may also be accompanied by urination bleeding. It is better to make urethroscopy and cystoscopy to clarify this situation further.

2. Prostate disease

For men, once suffering from prostatitis, urine will also bifurcate. Split urine caused by prostatitis is mainly caused by local adhesions and foreign bodies formed in the urethra and near the external orifice of the urethra after the stimulation of prostatic fluid inflammation. Prostatitis patients will have the phenomenon of urethral congestion, swelling, and increased secretion, which will affect urine excretion, resulting in urine bifurcation.

It is mainly seen in the absence of urination at night, and the first urination after getting up in the morning is the most common. Because the drinking water at night is relatively tiny, urination is less, and urethral secretions can accumulate to form clots. When it accumulates at the external orifice of the urethra, urine bifurcation occurs when urinating.

In addition, men with benign prostatic hyperplasia may also have urination, which is due to prostatic hyperplasia, which compresses the urethra and makes it narrow and blocked, thus causing the phenomenon of urination bifurcation.

It is often manifested as split urination, accompanied by weak urination, generally not accompanied by frequent urination, urgency, or pain. This feeling of urination weakness is progressive. With the gradual growth of age, the more pronounced the feeling of urination weakness is, the more pronounced the phenomenon of urination bifurcation may be.

At this time, it is necessary to treat the prostatic hypertrophy disease further to improve the symptoms of urinary bifurcations. Even patients with severe prostatic hypertrophy need surgery to restore the patency of the urethra to restore the normal state of urination and avoid urinary bifurcations.

Some patients with excessive frequent sex life and masturbation habits may also secrete too much viscous fluid from the urethra and genital tract, resulting in blockage of the external orifice of the urethra and the formation of urinary bifurcations.

To sum up, there are many reasons for urine bifurcation. Suppose it is a simple urination bifurcation without other discomfort symptoms. In that case, this may be a physiological reason, mainly because the patient has not urinated for a long time, causing urethral mucosal folds.

If urine bifurcations are accompanied by frequent urination, urgency, white dripping at the urethral orifice, and pain in the lower abdomen, it may be caused by prostatitis. You can go to the hospital's urology department to do a routine examination of prostatic fluid for diagnosis.

For the split urination caused by prostatitis, men need to actively treat prostatitis to eliminate the primary disease and alleviate the symptoms of abnormal urination. The effects of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill in treating prostatitis can improve the patients' abnormal urination, repair the damaged urethral mucosa, and restore normal urination.

TIPS: In case of physical discomfort, do a check as soon as possible.

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