Martina Weiser founded the Tantra Massage Center ANANDA, a place where well-trained and warm-hearted women offer the best and most holistic massages: Original Tantramassages and ANANDA-Massages see
During a seven month journey through South-East Asia, Martina attended training courses in Traditional Thai massage in Chiang Mai/Thailand (1991).
Courses in Original Tantramassage and Sensual Massage at Diamond Lotus Tantra Institut (the oldest tantric school in Germany). Courses in Chinese Tui-Na massage. For several years she has been studying American Indian spirituality, including an education in Quodoushka, which teaches the traditional Indian connection of sexual and spiritual energies.
Martina Weiser founded the tantric massage association and is the secretary of this association, more information is found here: Tantramassage Verband e. V.
As your trust grows, existence becomes more and more generous towards you
- Osho
Let yourself be open and life will be easier. A spoon of salt in a glass of water makes the water undrinkable. A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed.
- Buddha
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
- Henry David Thoreau
"It takes two to speak truth - One to speak, and another to hear."
- Henry David Thoreau
... about our work
To us, Tantra is the connection between spirituality and sensuality.
Tantra is a philosophy of life, which contains much respect for every living being and phenomena, and which respects the sexual nature of humankind.
The body is the temple of our soul and sexual energy our strongest and most original source of the joy of life and our mental and physical strengths. We consider sexual energy to be one of many aspects of being human. Our work is based on the understanding of the integration of body, feelings, spirit and soul.
We aim to overcome the western view that sensual lust is something embarrassing, dirty and bad. Men and women will be taken in a very affectionate way on a sensual journey through their bodies, and will be helped to develop a different approach to their lust for life and love of themselves.
During a Tantra massage we rouse this sensual energy, bundle it and distribute it throughout the body.
ANANDA - Tantra & Massage
Martina Weiser and her Team
Frankfurter Strasse 40 (near Wiener Platz)
51065 Cologne
Phone +49 (0) 221 608 65 85