Welcome friends! My name is Curtis Simpson and I am the publisher of the Healthy-Heart-Meditation website. One of the first things I do each morning is meditate. I go to my meditation chair, gently close my eyes and connect with my breath.
My breathing begins to slow and deepen. I breathe rhythmically. I feel more relaxed. I connect with my heartbeat. I am comforted by its steady beat.
My mind slows and I ease into my meditation practice. This peaceful ritual helps me start the day with a clear and quiet mind and a relaxed body.
I've been practicing meditation for six years now and teaching it for four. Meditation has helped my moods, my concentration, my work, and my relationships. On days that I don't meditate I'm aware of missing it.
Every minute you can spend in awareness of your breath and heartbeat is an investment in your heart's health and growing strength. Your heart illuminates your life and powers your actions. Heart-centered mindfulness is a wonderful tool for building equanimity as we learn to be fully present to the rhythm of heartbeat and breath. We do not meditate to become great meditators. We meditate to become great human beings, serving and inspiring our communities and our world.
Your heart illuminates your life and powers your actions.I am a certified Instructor of Heart Rhythm Meditation. I learned HRM from the Institute of Applied Meditation, which is a spiritual school that uses Heart Rhythm Meditation as it's master practice. They are also home to the new University of the Heart.
Science and intuitive wisdom are merging like never before and many great secrets of health and prosperity are being illuminated. Curtis Simpson has written and published a website Healthy-Heart-Meditation.com, the result of his heart's desire to share meditation and breathing practices that connect people with their hearts in a powerful way. Practices and tools to heal and energize the heart phyically, emotionally, and spiritually. It contains the collective wisdom of meditation masters, heart and biofeedback scientists, doctors, and spiritual sages.
Be guided into stillness and an opening of the heart. Heart meditation brings increased awareness, clarity and empowerment. Where your heart is there is your treasure. These practices are for healing the whole heart.
Every minute you can spend in awareness of your breath and heartbeat is an investment in your heart's health and growing strength. You are literally altering your nervous system so that the pathways that carry the heartbeat sensation are made more prominent and efficient. The result is that your heart's wounds heal spontaneously and creative solutions to life's problems arise suddenly.
Please visit my website Healthy Heart Meditation. I have great information about learning how to meditate, e-Courses and more. Sign up for my newsletter and subscribe to the site. Follow on Facebook or Twitter.
Please feel free to contact me using my contact page here or email me at virgocurtis@gmail.com