Douglas C. Hoover, CEO of Aquamedia Corp, Master Waterfall Builder, architect, engineer, freelance writer, author, designer & builder of over 2,000 waterfall and ponds in Southern California over 30 years. Author of “Waterfall and Pond Construction Manual,” "The Ultimate Training Course," how-to books, tapes, digital design programs, photo and video gallery ( Teaches history of solar ovens, FAQ, how to build your own solar oven, about the consumers’ reports and best prices ( He also is knowledgeable on surviving during disasters and has assembled the best He is the founder of the Distillation Station and the author of The Distilled Water Book. In 1974, Douglas discovered the health benefits of drinking distilled water and was cured of a severe case of gout by drinking three liters a day. He has remained in perfect health, free from sickness and disease ever since. Douglas Hoover continues to drink and advocate distilled water. (