Father of Four, Grand-Father of Two Ian trains and helps people of all faiths and none with his Inner Wisdom which was verified by Neurological and Theology experiments as occuring from the neutrons unable to move cell to cell through a Brain Injury (Bleed) so they found another route and move through the 80% of Human Brain we do not use giving him enhancements that are very spiritual. Ian also become a reluctant expert as a sufferer of a rare and terminal illness called Von Hippel Lindau, 5 Brain operations, has had 3 heart attacks (2 NDE's), spine surgery, Kidney problems and other ailments. His prognosis is not good although he is only 52 years of age.
All this adversity to Ian, he would suffer 10 times over if it could bring back one of his son's Gary who died aged 14 (read about him on www.earth-angel.info).
Ian has aided people with Spiritual Growth internationally but lives a very humble life week to week enforced medically to retire and live disabled. Ian teaches Compassion, Love and Tolerence. Before Brain Injury he wrote 2 books on Human issues. Having to learn to read and write again he will never turn any person away from getting their requests to him answered. No matter what pain or suffering you have..Ian will fight it with you all the way completely ignoring his own medical suffering. Above all you will always receive his expertise on hope.
Regulary asked to write articles for Spiritual Growth, healing and Angel Websites
If man arrived on Earth starting evolution, We would not be here because he would of had no THOUGHT in his armoury and therefore died of cold, or fire, or animal or not eating or drinking etc because he did not arrive with these basic tools of THOUGHT and understanding he needed clothing, coolness, food, fight or flight syndrome, mating and understanding the Bodies warning signs..I could go on
Man/Woman must of appeared on this planet with these basic THOUGHTS..Someone or something sent them prepared with the basic THOUGHTS of survival needed for this planet..The human body is the most abundant complicated machine on this planet..No big bang created that....Therefore we have a creator/s who armed us with THOUGHT..I challenge any person spiritual or non-spiritual to convince me the Human race did not arrive here on Earth by intentional creation and armed with THOUGHT.
Earth-Angel Ian 25th February 2008 copyright
The best way to learn about my work and myself is to visit www.earth-angel.info
There are too many 'lightworkers' in Spiritual Growth and different therapies that charge an amount and exclude the needy from the knowledge they can get from my own non-profit donation charity site www.earth-angel.info
Through this site and with my gifts I have changed lives of people with no hope beyond the next day, the mentally ill (I have Schizophrenia) come to terms and adapt to life with illness. I have prevented suicides and changed people from aggressive socially isolated souls to an extreme opposite as a valued member of society. I would urge reading the Message Board and Testimonials on www.earth-angel.info. You can also find me and articles as 'Archangel Michael' user name on www.beliefnet.com