"I am deeply committed to helping people to change. I want to empower others to trust themselves and use their own natural thinking abilities so they can get out of their ruts and lead more meaningful and joyful lives. My passion lies in developing an extensive personal and spiritual growth tool kit that will support people to find their own worth, power, purpose and joy. This is the aim of our 'Higher Awareness' web site.
"For over 20 years, I have been learning and applying intuition and creativity processes in my personal and business life. My interest in journaling started 15 years ago when I answered 50 Smart Questions (Advanced Management Research International). This exercise changed my life by sharpening my intuitive and mental processes. Since then I have finely honed 50 Smart Questions of my own for business, personal and spiritual use and I am a certified Journaling facilitator.
"All in all, I've taken over 120 personal growth programs. For many years, I have studied esoteric spirituality, which is the understanding, experience and application of universal laws and principles to practical life. I also completed a three-year soul-based counseling certification program offered by the Philosophical Counselling Institute.
"In the more distant past, my business life involved computer design, manufacturing, marketing, sales, teaching and entrepreneurship. In that time I worked with or led over 100 teams to create, develop and market new products and services. While working with my teams, I developed an extensive 'personal growth and entrepreneur tool kit' to support others in discovering and leveraging their innate gifts and talents.
"I believe we each have the answers to the questions of our life inside of us. We need only learn how to draw them out. Patrice and I invite you to explore what we have to offer. And we always welcome your feedback."
Workbooks - With daily email coaching.
Know Yourself - Find out "Who Am I?"
Grow Yourself - Spiritual healing of the past. Create your future. Be in the now
Effective Time Management Skills - Making the most of your life
Goal Setting Worksheets - Achieving your true potential
Creative Thinking Exercises - Finding more ways to get what you want
Tracking your Success and Growth - Attain clarity, focus, meaning and results
Managing Money - Learn how to give proper attention to money
Self Awareness Journey - Awaken to new dimensions of who you are!
Self Esteem - Write Your Life - Learn 10 easy-to-use self-understanding tools
Journal Writing Topics - An adventure in self discovery
Thinking Prosperity Consciousness - Increase your self worth and net worth
Block Busting - Build self esteem and break through challenges
Finding Life Purpose - Become your true self
Developing Intuition - Tap into your own inner wisdom
Manifesting Abundance - Create the life you want to live
Daily Spiritual Development Tips - Experience your divinity here and now
What's Your Next Growth Step? - A guide to what to take next.
Activating Joy, Love and Happiness - Get your 'Sweet 16' Joy Activators
Learn Meditation Methods - Explore the right type that works for you.
Workshop Facilitator Training Course – Inspired to help people apply journaling tools to any area of life that interests you? Transfer your love of journaling and training into a part-time business for yourself. Take our workshop facilitator training and earn an income helping yourself and others grow. Receive turn-key programs, presentation ideas for your niche, and business and marketing support materials.
"Nurture great thoughts, for you will never go higher than your thoughts."
-- Benjamin Disraeli
Know and grow yourself with our
Personal Development
Whatever your need, we have hundreds of personal growth tools to support you - workbooks, "How To" one page worksheets, email programs, journaling tools, smart questions, inspiration, articles and more.
Higher Awareness is a membership site. As a member you'll get full access to everything the site offers. No extra charges. This is your gateway to self-discovery, personal growth and empowerment!
1. KNOW Yourself
Explore in depth who you are and create your personal development plan
The more you know the specifics of who you are, the more you grow in character and fulfillment. Explore key aspects of your nature and behaviour. Get a bigger, clearer picture of who you are and what you want. Out of this comes your Personal Development Plan and your short term goals.
2. GROW YourselfWithin the framework of your Personal Development Plan, choose from workbooks, worksheets, email programs and resources to focus your attention.
Higher Awareness, Inc.
#108, 11215 Jasper Ave., Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 0L5
Telephone 780-462-2167 Mountain ST (GMT-7)
web site: http://www.higherawareness.com