Celebrating the Spirit which resides with us and in us ALL The boundaries and barriers which separate us are learned thoughts which are becoming less valid as improved communications and technologies introduce us to new ideas, customs and the spiritual depth of other cultures. We are at a point in history like no other, where the walls are crumbling and we are coming face to face with our fellow human beings. No longer does the concept of us vs. them, you vs. me ring true.
Reverend Donald Gordon Carty has a spiritual philosophy, which honors and values the fundamental beauty and wisdom in ALL religious traditions. He believes that there are many paths to God, and that all are valid and worthy of respect. God created humans in an amazing variety - we come in all sizes, shapes and colors and with different needs and tastes. Some people will be best nourished by one type of food while others will thrive best on something different. So, too, will different people be nourished spiritually by different traditions, is this not so?
Donald believes that it is not the form of religious practice that is important, but the spiritual intent that underlies it. He recognizes that God is in all things and in ALL people.
Reverend Carty's Spirit of Universal Life (SoUL) Ministries strives to promote true respect for all diverse paths to God. Respect is different from tolerance, for tolerance implies merely "putting up with" something you find disagreeable, whereas respect involves valuing, appreciating and accepting something for its' own true innate nature.
Please View this short video on Donald Gordon Carty's awaken
Rites of Passage or Marking Life's Transitions!
Theologians and sociologists alike have long criticized modern society for being short on cultural rituals marking the transitions of life. This failing comes to us at great cost. A boy’s passage to manhood and a woman's passage to womanhood was traditionally marked by a clear event, such as the inheritance of hunting tools, secret knowledge or special ceremony. This same transition, although no less critical today, has grown ambiguous in our culture.
Historically, meaningful rites of Passage were plentiful and included marriage (e.g., handfasting) as well as divorce and separation.
Coming-of-age rites were many, and included not only birth, but also the celebration of menarche and bequeathal of symbolic tools to mark one’s passage to adulthood. To our ancestors, life was seen as a circle with many stops along the way, and “old age” was treasured.
This reverence was shown through personal initiations into wisdom (e.g., menopause), and finally observation of the ultimate passage, death. Far from being embarrassing moments of growing obsolescence, every stage of human life was celebrated as chapters in a grand whimsical adventure.
Life has been described as a series of transitions from one stage to the next. Accordingly, each stage has three components:
Ending one’s relationship with the familiar (Separation - One must 'end what one was doing and begin something new')
Introduction to the threshold (Liminality - One must then 'do what one has decided to do')
Rejoining the social structure as a changed person (Reintegration - One comes to the end and 'the fulfillment of the doing stops')
In order to be effective, a Rite of Passage needs to be sacred. First, it should creatively dissolve the barriers between your present situation and the ideal one. Second, it should celebrate your achievements while tantalizing you with possibilities. Third, it should be psychologically minded, dramatic and playful. Using visualization, incense, music, spiritual and archetypal themes, a good Rite of Passage stirs the imagination. For example, the gift of a silver chalice might be granted by a mother in celebration of her daughter’s newfound ability to bring forth life within her womb.
So, if you wish to mark your own chapter of transformation, the SoUL Ministry can research and design a ceremony that is rife with the history and symbolism you deserve. Your Rite of Passage can be conducted in special regalia of your choice, in the beautiful surroundings of your favorite location (e.g., a sacred forest). We are limited only by your imagination.
Rites of Passage also make great gifts for that special person in your life! Our service is dedicated to creating personalized, and loving ceremonies to celebrate important life events for people of all faiths or belief systems. We are very pleased to offer this unique service to the community, and are looking forward to your call.
Contact the SoUL Ministries today and ask about designing a special Rite of Passage for you.
Reverend Donald Gordon Carty D.D, Personal Development Institute Chaplain.
"The Beginning of the spiritual journey is the realization; not just the information, but real interior conviction that there is a higher power, or God. Or, to make it as easy as possible for everybody, that there is an Other; capitol O.
Second step, to try to become the Other; still a capitol O;
And... finally, the realization that there is no other. You and the other are One; always have been, always will be. You just think that you aren't" - Father Thomas Keating
What Defines SoUL Ministries?
We seek to promote understanding, harmony and love among people by emphasizing what is universal in the teachings of the many paths and faith traditions.
We have chosen to learn about, respect and appreciate the diversity paths to Oneness, and to look for the universal truth contained in each one.
We are dedicated to serving the spiritual needs of all those who seek our guidance, counsel, and assistance, without regard to race, religion, socio economic status, sexual orientation, ethnic background, gender or age.
We are committed to personal, professional, spiritual, and ethical integrity and growth of all people, and in holding ourselves and each other accountable for "walking the talk" as ministers, guides, and teachers.
Contact the SoUL Ministries today and ask about designing a special Rite of Passage for you.
Reverend Donald Gordon Carty D.D, Personal Development Institute Chaplain.