Sarah Gillen, MA, LMFT, PCC, has been a Marriage and Family Therapist for 30 years. She is also a credentialed executive coach, and master Energy Medicine practitioner. She developed technique for clearing old patterns, trauma, and pain. She applies her expertise in systems and energy in helping businesses be more successful through better interactions, use of energy and flow in all levels of systems, and more focused planning.
She writes and gives trainings on Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, and Energy Dynamics in business.
Her new book is Uncover Joy: the path beyond pain, trauma, & self-defeating patterns, using energy dynamics.
You may reach her at &
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From Sarah Gillen's book: Uncover Joy:the path beyond pain, trauma,and self-defeating patterns, using Energy Dynamics
“Getting to the point of asking, ‘How do I know who I am’ means that you have succeeded in growing and changing in the direction of your own well-being. People constantly, just below the level of awareness, check their experience against an internal set of perceptions of what constitutes everything-is-in-its-usual-place. Voicing this existential dilemma means that your sense of yourself has been shaken up enough that you are not settling for old (and inaccurate, because too limited) answers. You are attending to an internal experience that is so new and raw that the landscape is not yet filled in. New landmarks must be built. By being centered, you build awareness of your true Self, one kinesthetic experience at a time. You build internal structure, changing the old ways of perceiving and holding yourself neurologically, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. When folks build this new internal structure by practicing being centered, I have seen people clear up old health issues and release results of their previous experiences. They can burn away old trauma, rewrite old history (in the sense that the effect that it had on their lives is changed) and thereby release karma.”
Gillen Energy Medicine, (GEM), is uniquely effective in promoting growth, and peak performance, as well as healing physical and emotional pain or disease. GEM is more comprehensive and personalized than other forms of energy work. Sarah Gillen's inspired vision enables her to work gently, quickly, and deeply, to help you release obstacles and achieve goals beyond your expectations.
Everything is made of energy. Atoms, Nature's building blocks, are mostly energy and space, with only a minute amount of substance. So everything is created on the energetic level, before manifesting physically, and everything has an electro-magnetic field. Working on the electro-magnetic level allows significant change to occur.
Energy manifests in our physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and financial arenas. There are many layers of energy, from the most primitive to the most etheric. Sarah Gillen helps you discover the root causes of your difficulties and then helps your body release them. You'll learn to move beyond outmoded beliefs and self-defeating behaviors. She can teach you how to react differently in stressful situations, and how to protect your energy when around difficult people. You'll learn energy skills that will enhance your success, abundance, fulfillment, and joy. You can improve your health and vitality.
For a free consultation of to learn more, contact Sarah at
Phone: 802-229-4815