Dear Family,
I consider myself to be an expert in the fields of Eating Disorders, Incest, and domestic violence . I have become an expert as a result of the many years and techniques I have learned to heal myself from these emotional and mental disorders. I thank our God/Creator and the Angel's I work with for my healing and the understanding and gifts a childhood of abuse bring as one becomes ready to heal and receive these numerous gifts.
I am an empath and energetic healer, 2nd level Usui, Tibetan and Chikara- Reiki -Do master . I am a teacher of The Seraphim Blueprint - an ancient healing modality created for all of Humanity to be able to heal themselves and others, prosper, live in peace and harmony and thrive and grow here on Earth. The Seraphim Blueprint was co-created by the Seraph and Ruth Rendely. Ruth also wrote the book "The Seraphim Blueprint, and is my teacher and mentor. I think the world really needs this modality now and I will lovingly teach all who seek me. I can also help you to discover your own blocks and resistance and help your healing. I am available for telephone sessions to help.
My reality is that all humans are a very connected large family; like it or not. We all bleed red. My mission is to bring Heaven to Earth for all in this lifetime. I live every day in Heaven on Earth and I would love to help others heal to the point they realize they can live in Heaven on Earth daily also. It is a wonderful place. The gardens of paradise grow here on Earth as they do in Heaven at this time and the pearly gates are wide open. Humanity is welcome again in the gardens. Ask to visit during meditation and sleep. It is a Heavenly place and I spend time there every day.
Love to all,
Dear Ones,
I Am tamiel,
With each and every breath , I give thanks to my Creator for allowing me to able to be still here on Earth. I'm very lucky to be alive and I know it. We are all living in piviotal times now on our precious planet Earth. We as humans have polluted our planet Earth in her sky, water, air, and resources. It is time for us to come together , heal and love one another and fix our messes. Humans created these messes; it is up to humans to fix them. I am one of many here to help bring Heaven to Earth for all of us in this lifetime. I have a beautiful husband of 30 years who I love and respect. We raised one child together and shared our home and lives with several children who have and will always be a part of our family. I live and belong in Florida where it is warm. To borrow a phrase from Jimmy Buffett "I have a carribbean soul I can barely control and some Texas hidden in my heart."I'm lucky enough to live on the corner of two large intersecting canals. I have been told that we have ocean access from our home; if you want to make the six hour trip. I study theology, metaphysics, human nature and behavior. I am a member of the familes of Metatron and Archangel Michael. I am an ordained Reverend of Melchizedek ."The Honolulu Church of Light" is my home place of worship and will always be. I respect and love Master Guide Kirael and feel so grateful to be one of those he loves. I invite all to to enjoy an unconditional atmosphere of love. I adore my family at the "Church without Walls" and feel very blessed to be loved by them. Abuse by others as well as the abuse I put my own self through have made me a stronger more tolerent, spiritual human being with incredible faith in God's plan. I believe in Divine Order. Their is truth in the old statement "that which does not kill me makes me stronger." Over many years - I have found the peace and joy of knowing that I already live here in Heaven on Earth. As I honor my food and rest, The eating disorders and low self-esteem issues that I had dealt with for most of my life have disappeared. Love truely heals all. I have not only made peace and forgiven my abusers; I send them all healing love and compassion. This lifetime is a balancing lifetime for me I'm told. I have come to be a part of the end of time and the beginning of "Heaven on Earth for All." I would be honored to assist all who seek my help. I send my light and love to all- God Be With You now and always!
Love always,
tami el
I can be contacted by e-mail at Please put www.selfgrowth in the subject line so that I will know you have visited this amazing website. I will answer any questions I can and will help as much as possible and then sned the matter to our Creator/ God without whom I am nothing more that human. All can be healed with love. I am available for private telephone consultation to help with identifing and dissolving your blocks that inpede you from experiencing Heaven here on Earth now. My phone number is (863)610- 2359 for now to set up a consultation. I teach the Seraphim Blueprint foundational class at least once a month. More information on classes can be found at or you can always e-mail me.
Peace be with you, God be with you always!
love always,