New Ways of Thinking About the Life Course: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. An approach to adult learners and the learning process is shaped by our knowledge of how adults change and develop across the life span.
Closing the Communication Gap with Our Elders. Geriatric psychology expert David Solie offers help in removing the typical communication blocks many experience with the elderly.
An Instructor Guide for Developing Safe and Effective Programs. Wayne Westcott and Tom Baechle, two internationally recognized weight training experts, have written this research-based guide for instructors...
The Handbook of Adult Development and Learning is the first to bring together the leading scholars from both adult development and learning to explore what will form the foundation for this new discipline--the latest research at the intersection of these fields.
The book features real-life vignettes that bring the text to life, providing readers with the opportunity to see how older adults benefit from senior centers.
This encyclopedia summarizes research on more than 100 topics arranged from Adult Children and Their Parents to Work Capacity across the Adult Years. Other subjects include gender issues, health, practical topics such as driving and housing, relationships, and even specific ages.
Human Development in Adulthood is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary overview of adult development in a number of areas both personal and societal, from mental and physical health, to economic and social conditions.