We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Stretching". If you have expertise in Stretching and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
What you are taught to do, what you are paid to do and what you were designed to do, have very little in common.
When you were three years old you ran, bouncing up and down with arms and legs flailing. Movement is joyous to a small child. Around age six you were admonished repeatedly to sit ... Views: 2464
Low back pain is the #1 reason for doctor visits in America. Did you know that according the Journal of the AMA that most back surgeries are deemed a failure. Not a very high success rate. Most low back pain comes from the muscles in your hips, not your back. Chiropractic may not help because, ... Views: 17959
Gentle stretching can be performed by physical therapists and/or practiced by patients at home. Several programs have been fashioned for Fibromyalgia (FM), Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMP), and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) patients for this purpose. Stretching is important because it helps to ... Views: 3307
The importance of cardiovascular exercise had been researched and proven to be necessary for a healthy heart, right? Whether we walk, run, kickbox, or do aerobics, we aim to sweat and get that heart rate elevated. But often, the most dedicated cardio king or queen can be seriously lacking ... Views: 1832
To understand bodybuilding is to truly understand what building a body is all about. To most individuals, this is a goal that is usually set to obtain results in a short time frame, but, in actuality, this should be a way of life that can only be accomplished by setting realistic long-term goals ... Views: 2934
There seems to be a bit of confusion around the concepts of flexibility and mobility. So let's begin with a couple of definitions. Flexibility is the ability to flex, extend, or circumduct a joint through its intended full range of motion. So we're talking about the length of the tissues here, ... Views: 7558
This article is being written in layman’s terms to help us understand a little more about some of the pain we have, how we get it, & what happens when that occurs. This may not seem very important, but I assure you that having an understanding about this, then the “Real” ... Views: 1673
Warm up exercises are essential to prevent injury. You can make them fun and specific to your activity. Never miss another warm up again.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin.
Preparation is the key. Warm up exercises prepare you for your workout, help improve ... Views: 3702
Yes, we must do stretching before a work out and after
When done properly, stretching can do more than just increase flexibility;
• enhanced ability to learn and perform skilled movements
• increased mental and physical relaxation
• enhanced development of body awareness ... Views: 4149
While stretching can promote flexibility, stretching too far actually can damage the muscles—particularly if you’re recovering form an injury. "A healthy muscle can elongate up to 1.6 times its length," suggests Pitchford, "but generally doesn’t respond well to that much ... Views: 4435
Many of my clients will ask me after their session if they can take me home with them! That question always makes me smile and feel good knowing that I helped them leave my office feeling better than they did when they arrived.
However, everyone has a massage therapist with them all the ... Views: 2888