Have you ever felt like this? Writing is one of the best marketing venues for coaches. However, it’s not always the easiest. So, here’s a list of tips for non-writers interested in using writing as a form of marketing.

Writing is one of the most effective ways to share value with your target audience. You can do so through blogging, article marketing, e-books, special reports, white papers, social media, web copy, etc.

Developing content through writing sets you up as an expert, extends your reach, establishes you as an indispensable resource, and allows you a strong online presence. Having said that, coaches and consultants don’t always find writing easy.

Below are 10 different strategies for non-writers to help you develop powerful written content.

1. Write short report rather than entire book.

Starting small rather than taking a big bite can help deal with the overwhelm of writing and writer’s block.

2. Reuse

Reuse information you already have published on your website, in articles, workshops outlines, etc. One of the things I keep saying over and over again, reuse what you already have. Not only does your target market have different learning styles, they also have different ways in which they want to consume their information. This also allows you a wider reach using the same material.

3. Purchase rights to use someone else’s written material.

This is a great way to not only share valuable information, but also promote the author and extend your marketing.

4. Look at other’s writing – use as your inspiration.

We all do it. We get inspired by what others have said and written. Don’t be afraid to look at the work of others and gather your own thoughts and comments on what they have shared.

5. Hire a ghost writer

OK, so not all of us really wants to write anything or has the time to invest in writing. But that doesn’t mean you can have powerful written content. Hire a ghost writer to interview you and write an article, ebook, special report or even your web copy for you. Don’t know where to find a ghost writer? Check out one of these resources:

6. Request permission re-use other’s articles

This is done all the time. In fact, this is the basis for a lot of the online article marketing directories. You can submit your articles for free. Anyone has the right to use your articles, either for their blog, their newsletter, in an ebook, etc. as long as they leave the information unaltered and include the author’s information. So use one of these online article directories for content The most popular? Ezinearticles.com

7. Use material that copyright has expired.

Written material with expired copyrights are free domain. Works such as The IChing and the Science of Getting Rich are books with expired copyrights you might be familiar with. These books and others like them are free to re-publish.

8. Interview experts

Interviewing experts is a great way to add value and keep writing simple. Literally write out the Q & A or you can tape the conversation and have someone transcribe it. You must gain permission from the expert to publish the interview.

9. Collect Resources

Look at your favorite web sites. Compile list as a resource guide that can be used as a simple article or extended into a ebook of resources.

10. Transcription Software

As coaches and consultants we often are natural speakers. Use a transcription software that allows you to speak into your computer and it will type what you speak. Dragon Naturally Speaking is one such software. That way you can use your strength as a speaker and still have written content.

Being on the web requires writing. Having a business requires writing. Even though it may not necessarily be one of your strengths, you can still provide valuable written material for your readers.

Author's Bio: 

Kathy Jo Slusher-Haas works with certified coaches to go from confused, frustrated, and blocked to gaining clarity, resources, and re-energize your business so you can authentically market your business and enjoy the ride. Visit http://www.marketyourcoachingbusiness.com/Free-Stuff-.html for instant access to your own free Marketing Survival Guide.