Together with volunteers from all walks of life, the information drive known as 3 in 4 Need More has taken further measures and steps to continuously support and at the same time promote the importance and need for owning an LTC insurance policy.

This information campaign is spearheaded by a known and respected elder care authority, Dr. Marion Somers. Her advocacy is backed up not only by the government and the insurance companies, but also by volunteers who also think that LTC plans are must-haves in one’s life.

They roam around the country to inform and make the public aware of the numerous advantages and perks that they can get from it. They present, not only the basic details of these policies, but also some information that might be unknown to the public but could be of great help to convince them of buying their own LTC insurance policy.

They also let the public know of any possibility of them getting cheaper LTC rates should they decide that they need its aid and assistance in the future. They inform them of the different factors that insurance companies usually consider before they obtain or decide on how much they will charge a certain LTC plan. Through this, the United States residents who are willing to acquire their own insurance policy can evaluate their chances with it.

The 3 in 4 Need More information movement also asks for more lenient and consumer-friendly requirements and guidelines so that those who earns averagely can still afford to pay for their monthly premiums and continue with it up until they have fully paid their whole policy amount.

Informing the public that this movement is not just about health insurance but also about the wellness of all individuals as a whole. They want to make sure that individuals can still stay healthy and would be able to get all the medical services that they need.

Additional and better tax deduction limits are also some of the objectives that this movement is campaigning for. They aim for better deductions annually because it would also be one of the aspects that could encourage and convince the public to get their own LTC insurance policy.

All the LTC policy types and options are also presented and discussed to make the people see the differences, advantages, and even the disadvantages of each. An individual can only maximize the full potential and all the perks of his LTC plan if he is able to acquire it without compromising the qualities and the number of benefits that he could get.

This information campaign is also looking for more volunteers who deeply understand and appreciate all the good things that they can get from their LTC insurance policy. All individuals who share the same objectives and passion are all welcome to join the movement. The more volunteer that they can get, the larger scope and bigger area they can target to disseminate helpful information.

The 3 in 4 Need More campaign is still on-going and is still trying to reach more states and people as the information drive progresses.

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