Dale Carnegie once said, “Fear does not exist anywhere but in our mind.”

Let’s consider this: If fear is just a figment of our imagination and does not exist anywhere else, how can we explain the devastating impact fear has on our health and in our lives?

I may have an answer for you. You see fear, unlike any other emotion, has a vital and basic function, which is to warn us against physical and emotional danger. To accomplish this purpose, fear activates the fight or flight response releasing toxic chemicals in our brain such as adrenaline. I can understand how useful this function may have been thousands of years ago, to warn the poor cavemen to fly or fight for their lives when attacked by a bear. But today, this function seems obsolete and yet, we are still experiencing its full impact. For example, we might just be giving a speech or showing up for an interview and all of a sudden we notice our heart pounding in our chest and our palms getting sweaty, while feeling panicky and confused.

I have a difficult time accepting that just because we are afraid, all of this can happen. Especially when I realize that practically everything we do in our lives is tinted with fear. As you already know, the list of fear situations is nearly endless: fear of sickness, poverty, rejection, the fear of aging, loneliness, and the fear of failure or even success.

What are we to do? Accept that we are prisoners of fear and allow it to dominate our lives and take away our freedom and joie de vivre?

I don’t think so and I hope you feel the way I do.

In the name of our liberation from the tyranny of our fears, I propose 3 steps that we can take to help us.

Step 1: Make fear your friend

What does that mean? Since we cannot escape or hide from it, why not choose to have fear as your companion on your new journey? After all, fear is just warning you that you are going through changes, and dealing with a new situation can be uncomfortable. Fear can also force us to be brave and develop strength of character. Finally, fear, when you are able to conquer it, can bring you such a sense of accomplishment, greater self-esteem and self-confidence.

To make this concept more alive, I propose that you imagine that you are a snake charmer from India wearing a saffron colored turban, sitting in a crossed legged position learning to tame the Cobra of fear, while hypnotizing him with the intoxicating music of the Pungi (a native bamboo wind instrument).

Step 2: Change your focus

Stop focusing on being afraid and start focusing on your desired outcome. It is believed that what you focus on expands and becomes your reality. Decide to focus on what you want to accomplish. Picture yourself having reached your goal feeling confident and victorious.

When dealing with a challenging situation, you can imagine yourself as a warrior, such as King Arthur if you are a man or Xena the warrior princess if you are a woman, holding a sword of fearlessness and wearing an armor of white light, protecting you from all fear and negativity.

Step 3: Be your inner coach

We all have a tendency to be too critical and judgmental about ourselves. We often feel deep down that we are not good enough. We secretly search for perfection, which creates a lot of pressure, fear and anxiety. What if we chose to be more loving and accepting of ourselves and decided to adopt the language of the heart which would ban the “cannot” and the “should’s,” and instead, embracing positive and empowering words?

To create this positive experience, bring your arms up in the air and declare, “Victory to me, Victory is mine” as you place a big smile on your face for appreciation and gratitude of this joyful moment.

I hope you will use these 3 steps on your journey of life. And everyday remember to welcome fear and make it your friend, to keep your mind focused on the wonderful things you desire to achieve in your life and most importantly, to stay loving, encouraging and supportive.

I would like to leave you with a final thought by Ralph Waldo Emerson, who once said, “He who is not every day conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.”

Author's Bio: 

Wellness/Stress Management coach Edwige Gilbert is founder of New Life Directions (www.newlifedirectons.com) and author of “The Fresh Start Promise: 28 Days to Total Mind, Body, Spirit Transformation.” For the last 25 years she has worked with individuals and groups, conducting seminars, retreats and lectures around the world. Her forte is teaching people how to transform stress into strength, clear unwanted habits and live healthier lives filled with “Joie de Vivre”. Edwige has taught at prominent health clubs, corporations, hospitals, substance abuse centers, and industry events. Her private clients have included business and media leaders as well as mothers-to-be and adolescents. In addition to a seminar and workshop agenda, Edwige has designed multi-faceted stress management programs for corporate clients, including Citigroup, Verizon, Lehman Brothers, MTV and the Corcoran group.

Edwige has created a unique blend of Eastern and Western techniques such as life-coaching Yoga and hypnosis. She believes in the integration of physical, mental and spiritual elements which guide individuals to discover their unlimited energy resources and become the person they always wanted to be: strong focused, confident, and filled with Joie de vivre (french for Joy of life).