What is the main cause of the bloody hemorrhoids you have?

According to recent research, constipation and straining while on the can are the two most common causes of hemorrhoids today. Because of this it is imperative that a person suffering from bloody hemorrhoids consume fiber rich foods in order to soften the fecal matter.

Examples of food items rich in fiber are fruits, vegetables, cereals and whole grains. If you want to get rid of or even prevent bloody hemorrhoids, it's critical that you ingest at least twenty to thirty grams of fiber on a daily basis. Supplements are another great way to add fiber into your diet if you have a difficult time eating that much fiber.

If you find yourself straining and having problems defecating, you should see your physician promptly, as well as start consuming more fiber on a regular basis.

Over-the-counter medications for bloody hemorrhoids:

Most topical medications can be found in many forms like a gel, ointment, creams or foams. Just be aware that creams or gels when put onto the rectal canal, should be applied thinly.

Most of these medications for bloody hemorrhoids have more than one active ingredient. It's also highly likely that these medications will have protectants inside of them.

If you want to find some quick relief from your bloody hemorrhoids, then I suggest you take a look at these items:

Local anesthetics:

Lots of times local anesthetics can help to numb acute pain caused by bloody hemorrhoids. The local anesthetic works great but it must only be applied directly to the bloody hemorrhoid so that other tissue is not harmed. Just make sure to keep a close eye on what's going on because if they're causing irritation or more bleeding, you need to see your physician right away.


Vasoconstrictors are compared to drugs like epinephrine because their effects on a person are almost the same. When vasoconstrictors are directly applied to the blood hemorrhoid, they will help make the veins much smaller that are feeding the hemorrhoid so that you feel almost immediate relief from the swelling and sensitivity. People also use vasoconstrictors as a way to help heal the itching caused by bloody hemorrhoids.


Protectants are used to give protection to the skin along the anal canal so that it won’t be irritated anymore by the passing stool.

For those that are interested in finding quick and immediate relief (sometimes in less that 24 hours) I highly suggest you visit the links within this article or even down below to see how we can help you get back your life and health again!

In case you are looking for a remedy for thrombosed external hemorrhoid that actually works will help you to heal, then you'll want to find out natural cures for hemorrhoids we have at our web site.

Author's Bio: 

Jake Bremer is founder of www.AllNaturalCuresForHemorrhoids.com and is a health advocate for issues relating to hemorrhoids.