Many researches concluded that yoga poses reduces levels of the stress. Out off all the yoga asanas these five are best poses for reducing stress and help to calm your mind.

Relieve your stress with this easy yoga poses Get peace of mind and out of the stress world
1. Knees to Chest

Lie down in the floor, bring your knees near to chest, hug them with hands and shake from side to side. Breathe deeply into lower back and deliver it back to get relax. You can hold this posture for 40-50 seconds.

2. Easy Spin Twist

This spin twist pose is very favorite to me because easy to do practically everywhere. From the first pose means knees to chest pose, keep your left leg go straight and right knee pulled into the chest.
Take a deep breath and while exhaling bring your knees across the body. Keep touch your shoulders on the floor and look over right shoulder.
Hold this pose for about 30-40 seconds then switch to other side.

3. Legs to Wall

The legs to the wall pose sometimes relieve your lower back pain.
For this lie down with butt at the wall, if it is not possible at least try to close to the wall. Then extend your legs your legs up to the wall. Hold this pose up to one minute.

4. Reclining Pigeon

It is great to say about this pose because this pose can releases lower back and hips both which are hold a lot of stress.
Stay on your back then bring your right leg on top of left thigh. Reach your arms around your right leg, grab your shin, and pull knee your chest. (if you can’t reach your shin then grab the back of thigh only).
You can hold this pose for at least 3 minutes do it for another side.

5. Downward Facing Dog

This is one of the best pose for stress relief because it opens and stretches the shoulders, hamstrings & lower back.
Bring your hands, shoulders apart and hip, feet distant apart. Touch and press your hands to the ground and lift your butt toward upside, then bend your knees to bring movement to this pose.

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this article is based Yoga. Yoga for stress relief. For more info or for more Asanas with Images >>