As the economy strengthens, more Millennials are settling into long-term careers, and they’re starting to make financial decisions that will likely impact the rest of their lives.

Despite seeing the financial struggles of their parents, particularly during the Great Recession, as well as their own employment hardships, Millennials remain confident about their finances. According to BlackRock’s 2015 Annual Global Investor Survey, 65% of Millennials feel positive about their financial future, and 34% reported seeing a financial adviser, which is a larger number than Generation Xers and Baby Boomers.

For those Millennials who may not yet feel entirely confident about their financial standing and future, there are some simple ways they can boost their sureness and create a strong foundation for the future.

  1. Be Aware of the Situation

The first step to achieving financial confidence is to know what your situation really is. Check your credit report so you can look for errors that need to be corrected, and find those areas that need to be improved upon.

  1. Get Organized

Once you’ve checked your credit report and you have a clearer picture of your financial standing, it’s time to get organized. Millennials can use technology to their advantage with financial management apps and tools that will help them stay on track with spending and budgeting. These tech-based tools can also make it easier to have a visual representation of finances and a comprehensive overview.

  1. Plan for Retirement

It can be challenging for Millennials to start planning for something that seems so far away. Despite this reluctance, when they do make even a small contribution to a retirement account it can not only create the opportunity for a stronger future, but it tends also to make young people feel more empowered and more confident about their overall finances.

  1. Consider Investing

Many Millennials can be skittish when it comes to investing, particularly when they saw what their parents experienced during the Great Recession, but it can be one of the simplest ways to build wealth. Millennials should consider researching penny stocks and other investment opportunities requiring only a small amount of initial capital, as they learn more about the stock market and the opportunities.

  1. Meet with a Professional

Join the high percentage of other Millennials already meeting with financial planners and advisers. These are the people who have a genuine understanding of how to begin to grow wealth, and they can be an excellent resource for young people who are starting fresh with their finances. Meeting with a financial planner or adviser is a great way to arm yourself with knowledge and create a sense of economic confidence.

Setting Goals for 2016

Along with the above-mentioned tips, it’s also advantageous for Millennials and anyone who wants to strengthen their finances to begin setting achievable goals. 2016 is the perfect time for Millennials to start looking toward their future as they give their financial confidence a boost.

Author's Bio: 

Susan is a marketing writer and blogger helping small and medium size businesses craft winning content strategies. She’s always scouting the web for new social media strategies and is slightly addicted to apps. When not tapping the keyboard, you are likely to find her in the park playing with her uncontrollably friendly Irish setter.