Hair fall can be an overwhelming experience for both men and women. A normal adult loses up to 100 strands per day. But, hair loss becomes a concern if the lost hair is not replaced by new strands or if the loss surpasses the growth. There can be several underlying causes such as hormonal imbalance, poor diet, medications or certain illnesses that lead to excessive hair loss.

Here are 5 tips to control hair fall that you can try right away-

1. Identify the 'root' cause

Stress, unhealthy diet, dry scalp, dandruff, harsh hair treatments and washing hair in hard or chlorinated water are some of the causes for excessive hair loss. Try and identify the root cause for your hair fall. If you cannot do so yourself, consult a medical practitioner.

2. Massage your hair Regularly

Regular hair massage with natural lukewarm oil will increase blood circulation in the scalp, stimulate hair follicles, help in hair growth and also strengthen roots of the hair. Try to use chemical free, natural and organic oils to avoid long term chemical side effects.

3. Use natural hair packs

Herbs like amla, bhringraj, and hibiscus are well known for promoting hair growth. You can either make a DIY hair pack with these herbs or use herbal packs available in the market to save time.

These herbal preparations will nourish your hair follicles, keep it hydrated, help maintain its lustre and prevent various scalp problems like dandruff and dryness.

4. Avoid exposure to chemicals

Chemical hair products available in the market can cause side effects like dry hair, scalp dryness, dandruff and hair thinning. To avoid these extensive and long term side effects, switch to herbal, chemical-free and organic hair care products.

Regular use of these natural shampoos and hair cleansers will not only control your hair fall, but also promote hair growth, giving you a strong and well-conditioned hair.

5. Follow a nutritious diet and stress free lifestyle

To promote effective hair growth, include food sources rich in protein, iron, calcium, zinc and vitamins (B, C, D) in your diet. Alternatively, you can include herbal supplements, which will not only help combat hair fall but also help treat hair thinning, premature greying and dandruff.

Try these safe and natural approaches to effectively solve your hair fall problem and make your hair lustrous, and glimmering with health.

Author's Bio: 

Raman is building a natural wellness destination platform at He is passionate about helping people overcome the harmful effects of unhealthy environments and modern lifestyles by providing access to high-quality organic and natural supplements, teas and infusions, oils and health foods.