Did you know the average income of LinkedIn users is greater than both Facebook & Twitter?

Here’s the breakdown for average user income for each of the social networking sites:

Twitter - $58,000
Facebook - $61,000
LinkedIn - $89,000

So, if you are looking for clients that can pay you then according to these numbers LinkedIn is worth your marketing efforts. However, if you are like me, you may not find LinkedIn as inviting and ‘fun’ as I do sites like Facebook. That’s why I’ve put together these 5 tips for how you can get the most out of LinkedIn.

1. Update your LinkedIn status once a day.

Be sure the majority of your status update include a relevant link back to your website with a call to action. You can use your status update to invite people to a webinar you are hosting, read more about a blog post you have published, access a special report you’ve made available, showcase a new program. . .options are endless!

2. Respond to connection requests.

If you accept a connection request send the new connection a direct message. Let them know you are happy to connect. Share a few details about yourself and ask a few questions about them to start a dialogue. If this individual isn’t a potential client they may know someone who is looking for your services.

3. Post events within the event application.

The event application is a simple and effective tool for promoting business events while measuring interest in conferences, teleclasses, and webinars. Watch to see how many people comment and indicate they are interested.

4. Answer questions in the LinkedIn Q&A section.

Did you even know LinkedIn had a Q&A section? This is a very effective way to showcase your expertise to your target market by providing useful answers. This is a great way to gain exposure for your business and get yourself recognized as the expert!

5. Start discussions in groups with your target market.

Go through the LinkedIn groups and join groups made up of members of your target market. Once or twice a week start a new group discussion. Maybe ask a question. Provide a 1-2 sentence answer and a link back to your blog where they can read more. This is a good option for driving traffic from LinkedIn back to your website. Also an effective way to measure your target markets interest in specific topics.

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