For those who often feel stressed out because of having to juggle so many things in their fast-paced lives, one of the best ways to seek peace and relaxation is to take at least one hour a day to practice yoga. In the recent years more and more people have turned to yoga as a way to find calmness and peace of mind and it has helped many overweight people to shed off a lot of unwanted pounds too. Yoga studios and fitness centers have been popping up everywhere but for those who do not have the means or the luxury of time to go to these places they can just practice yoga at home.

It is best to practice yoga at home in the morning when your mind is still free of any work-related pressures. Find a clear place where you can stretch out properly such as in your spacious living room or even in your back yard. One of the yoga moves that you should do at least once everyday to achieve maximum results is the sun salutation pose. It is one of many easy yoga poses and will help you achieve a better balance. This does not mean that you should completely ignore your neighborhood yoga studio. Supplement your home routine with at least two to four classes a month where a professional instructor can check your alignment and your posture. While you are at the studio you will also be able to practice more beginner yoga poses that you could add to your home routine to keep it more challenging. So pick a nice quiet corner in your home, put on some calming music, start rolling out the mat and try these easy yoga poses. Remember to practice proper breathing as you do the poses

1.) Mountain Pose ‚Ä" Stand straight facing the light and put your arms on the side. Put your feet slightly apart, close your eyes, take five to ten deep and slow breaths then bring your palms together over head facing each other.

2.) Standing Forward Bend ‚Ä" Exhale then bend forward at the hips. Try to stretch as much as you can to reach your fingertips or your entire palm to the floor.

3.) Four-limbed Staff Pose ‚Ä" Take a deep breath and step your feet into plank position. Exhale then bend your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

4.) Upward Facing Dog ‚Ä" Inhale then push your chest forward at the same time pushing the top of your feet on to the floor. Simultaneously stretch your arms then stretch your neck with your face facing upward.

5.) Downward Facing Dog ‚Ä" Exhale then use your arms and abs to lift your hips toward the ceiling. Try pushing your heels towards the floor then hold for three breaths.

6.) Warrior 2 ‚Ä" From the downward facing dog position step your right foot between your hands. Turn your left foot parallel to the end of the mat. Take a deep breath then rise to standing position with your legs straight and your arms extended to the sides at shoulder level. Gaze over your right side then exhale.

Author's Bio: 

Anna Wehr has learned a lot about yoga practices and how begining yoga poses can tone the body.