The known benefits of a professional massage go a lot more than skin deep. Did you know that massage therapy is medically proven to reduce the levels of stress and release the body’s natural "FEEL GOOD" hormones called endorphins. Regular massage will promote good health and well being.

It is still amazing how many people think that if you go and get a massage it’s a luxury, or you are rich. Things have changed a little with most health funds recognizing massage, (for obvious reasons) it’s a lot more affordable.

There are so many types of massage out there, Therapeutic, Sports massage, Trigger point, Kahuna, Thai massage, Reflexology, Hot stone, Bowen Therapy, Skeletal mobilization,
The list goes on and on.

So how do you know which massage type is best for you? I guess it all comes down to personal choice. The answer is simple! Try some different styles of massage, and shop around. There are a few things to consider cost, location, time constraints, health fund rebates, male or female therapist?

Once you have decided to try a particular massage style, you must consider a few more questions.
Do I want a firm massage?
Do I want to fall asleep?
Do I want to talk during my massage?
Do I want a massage without oil?
How do I find a massage therapist?

But for the average Joe who’s not sure on all the associated massage techniques here’s just a few hints.
The lightest massages may still benefit your body. The therapeutic effects may benefit you just by allowing you to enjoy some time out.

Thai massage can involve a lot of stretching from the therapist.

Trigger point therapy is great it works as an effective and quick release of muscular spasms. Spasms often cause pain and muscle weakness.

Reflexology works your feet and hands as they say they are like a map of your body. Good if the area can’t be work on you can have your feet done instead, just as beneficial.
Hot stone massage uses river pebbles and there warm, rubbed over the body to assist all kinds of aliments.

For the SPORTSPERSON – who’s muscles are tight, sore or need a stretch, a sports massage or remedial massage is possibly for you.

Some therapists are specifically trained in giving massages for PREGNANT WOMEN. Please consult your chosen therapist to ensure they are qualified in these cases.

Once you have chosen a type of massage to try, chosen a therapist, booked the massage, made the time to go, and overcome your self consciousness to lie on the massage table, DON”T forget to make this time special to you:

- Allow time for the therapist to ask some personal questions. These questions give them an insight into your bodies needs your preferences.
- Advise the therapist if there are specific areas of your body you prefer massage not to be massaged.
- During the massage advise the therapist if they are not firm enough, or are too firm. (Except in some remedial sessions, the massage is for you to relax).

Author's Bio: 

Tracy, the owner of Knots Corner is a qualified Massage Therapist, who is visited by a great number of clients with a wide range of reasons for a massage, from relaxation to muscular repair, headache relief to everyday stresses.

Massage Brisbane