Everyone who wants to lose fat it looking for something that's going to speed up there returns, to get your fat to fly off rather than slowly just inch off over months. I don't know anyone who is happy to spend years slogging it out trying to lose a few pounds. The key to losing fat quickly is not in how much you do, but rather what you do to lose it. There is a type of exercise that's pretty tough to do, but it will lose you three times as much fat, and in a third of the time it takes to do normal exercise. That basically relates to losing fat nine times faster than normal. This exercise is called HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training, and I will tell you exactly what makes this exercise so different and how it works.

Normal exercise and HIIT have a very interesting difference. Twenty minutes of normal cardio results in 20 minutes of fat burning; after this, an individual's body returns to its original state. HIIT is different because it allows 40 hours of burning fat content to be achieved in 20 minutes of interval training.

A unique process called EPOC is the principle behind burning fat from interval training. Your body is always either making new fat cells or converting the fat to energy. The main factor to affect this process, especially the sugar levels is the body energy against how much it needs at a certain time, among other causes.

Energy in your body is stored everywhere rather than just in fat cells. Even your muscles, blood cells, and liver all contain energy.

What we want to focus on is energy that is stored in your muscles. Your body stores this energy for times when you need it; therefore it is very hard to get the body to give up this energy, but when it finally does, the body will go into a state of emergency and try to replace the lost reserves.

Replacement of such energy may take as long as 40 hours to complete. You should consume just enough food to provide enough energy, so as to maintain your resting metabolic rate. Your resting metabolic rate will be a lot higher after finishing your HIIT, because it will be rapidly searching for energy to replace your muscle reserves. Your body will tap your fat reserves first to accomplish this. For as much as 40 hours after a session of HIIT you will still be burning fat. Proper completion of each workout is essential.

To find the secrets to High Intensity Interval Training visit IntervalTraining.net

Author's Bio: 

Greg McKenzie is the creator of IntervalTraining.net, the most complete resource on Interval Training and HIIT on the Internet