Are you tired of tripping over toys, shoes, backpacks, dirty laundry and everything else that should be neatly placed in its designated “home”? If you are, then it is time you started decluttering your home.

Generally speaking an entire home can become cluttered without us even realizing it. We get caught up in work, the kids and their activities and before you know it you only have half a sofa to sit on and the kitchen countertops have more non kitchen items on them than the cupboards have in them. Lastly, my favorite is the once wide staircase that has shrunk leaving just enough room to get your feet on the steps without stepping on something!

In the kitchen, if you don’t cook with it, clean with it or eat it, it doesn’t belong there. Most of the time these items belong in the kid’s rooms or if you are single, then you need to put your books back in the bookcase and your CD’s next to the stereo.

While the word “living” in living room does leave a good amount of leeway to what actually belongs there, it doesn’t mean it is okay to leave last week's laundry on the sofa or use it as a dresser. If you need extra space, pick up some colorful baskets or bins that match your décor to store stuff in.

To help keep the bathroom neat and tidy, assign each member of the family a drawer or a handled plastic basket to hold all of their toiletries. The rule is that no one leaves their basket on the vanity after using the items in it. The basket is put away in a predetermined place either in the linen closet or under the sink. Now the bathroom is ready for the next family member or guest.

Last but not least, let's tackle the stairs. First you have to clean them off! Once you have them clean get a basket and only one basket of your choice and put it on the bottom step. Everything that needs to go upstairs goes in the basket and the next time someone goes upstairs they take the basket with them and distribute the items into the appropriate rooms. Finally, when someone comes back down the stairs, they bring the basket back with them.

Follow these simple decluttering tips and soon you will find yourself living in a clutter free home.

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For ideas on keeping your home organized, download a free copy of the ebook "The Essential Guide to Organizing Your Home". Download it free here:
Organizing Tips

Lynn Cressy owns a home decor web site and writes articles on home decorating and organizing your home and your life.