Productive Environment Institute with Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Anderson is The Official Guide to "Organizing and Learning How to Organize". You can find complete information on Productive Environment Institute with Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Anderson and her products by visiting Tame Your Paper Tiger in the Digital Age.
Let’s transform your ideas into scalable SAAS solutions!
Whether you're a startup founder, product manager, or serial entrepreneur, we're here to help you bring your ideas to life.
From firm concepts to brainstorming stages, our discovery session offers a no-strings-attached opportunity to ... Views: 213
All too often we tolerate clutter without realizing what it’s really costing us. In many cases, it’s difficult to see the direct correlations. But once you see it, it’s hard to not see it.
We’ve put together a list of The Top 10 Hidden Costs of Clutter based on our 40+ years in the ... Views: 259
All too often we tolerate clutter without realizing what it’s really costing us. In many cases, it’s difficult to see the direct correlations. But once you see it, it’s hard to not see it.
We’ve put together a list of The Top 10 Hidden Costs of Clutter based on our 40+ years in the ... Views: 265
All too often we tolerate clutter without realizing what it’s really costing us. In many cases, it’s difficult to see the direct correlations. But once you see it, it’s hard to not see it.
We’ve put together a list of The Top 10 Hidden Costs of Clutter based on our 40+ years in the ... Views: 258
In today's fast-paced world, where time is of the essence, consumers are increasingly seeking ways to simplify their lives. One such trend gaining popularity is the concept of a "One-Stop-Shop." This article explores the advantages of one-stop shopping, highlighting its impact on both businesses ... Views: 267
In today's fast-paced world, where time is of the essence, consumers are increasingly seeking ways to simplify their lives. One such trend gaining popularity is the concept of a "One-Stop-Shop." This article explores the advantages of one-stop shopping, highlighting its impact on both businesses ... Views: 264
In today's fast-paced world, where time is of the essence, consumers are increasingly seeking ways to simplify their lives. One such trend gaining popularity is the concept of a "One-Stop-Shop." This article explores the advantages of one-stop shopping, highlighting its impact on both businesses ... Views: 265
In the fast-paced realm of healthcare, the convergence of technology and patient-centric care has taken a giant leap forward, thanks to the transformative power of machine learning. This article explores how Machine Learning in Healthcare is not merely a buzzword but a revolutionary force ... Views: 275
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Email Is Dangerous! - by Barbara Hemphill | Founder, Productive Environment Institute
Let's face it! Most of the time, you check email because you're unsure what to do-- or don't want to do what you should do.
Years ago, a client told me, "I make lists of things I've already done because it's so much fun to check them off!" Checking email provides the same adrenalin rush. ... Views: 299
This is a valuable exercise and one many people imagine they can easily skip. You may be thinking, “I just want it cleaned up, cleared off, and efficient.” That may be “good enough for now,” but it isn’t the best that is possible.
This is ... Views: 322
Libraries face the challenge of managing vast collections of resources while providing seamless services to their users.
Barcodes offer an innovative solution to this challenge, enabling libraries to automate and optimize their workflows. Books are equipped with a unique 13-digit ISBN ... Views: 339
A few years ago, the idea of human resource management (HRM) emerged and later developed into the HRM we use today. It currently plays a crucial function in every business, greatly enhancing the success of an organisation. Since organisations now value their human resources, there is a growing ... Views: 281
Now it’s time for the before pictures. Get a camera or video and capture images of the area without a single change. Or you might draw a sketch, make a list of the contents, or do a funny audiotape like a broadcaster describing the layout of an old museum. ... Views: 330
Have you ever noticed how much you seem not to notice about your everyday environment? Look around yourself right now and you’ll probably “see” many things that have become invisible to you on a daily basis because you have trained yourself not to see them.
There are those three towering ... Views: 310
A field engineer's job is an interesting one, at least for someone who is interested in technology and enjoys fixing things. Their engineering design knowledge is used to troubleshoot equipment or mechanical faults. Becoming a field service engineer requires a combination of education, ... Views: 310
Caixas de supermercado-Explorando os sistemas de caixa e seu impacto na experiência de compra
As caixas de supermercado são um componente crítico da experiência de compra, com vários sistemas de caixa projetados para agilizar o processo e aumentar a satisfação do cliente. Sidney De Queiroz ... Views: 293
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The Power of Three - by Barbara Hemphill | Founder, Productive Environment Institute
One of the guiding principles of Productive Environment Institute is "Together We Are Better." Indeed, in today's quarantine environment, that statement has new meaning. While we cannot be together physically, technology enables us to share in new ways, and lifting each other up is essential. ... Views: 344
Remember that one basic idea—CLUTTER IS POSTPONED DECISIONS®. Now ask yourself if you’ve ever really decided what you want your setting to be. Chances are you have not thought much about this. One client described her frustration at “visiting the banquet of life and feeling stuck in the mashed ... Views: 343
Suppose you wake up tomorrow with a kindly presence whispering gently in your ear. “You are such a great person, we have decided to give you your heart’s desire of the most ideal setting in which to live and work.” You float halfawake with welcome visions of a sun-drenched easy chair, a ... Views: 350
Here is the one simple principle that can help you escape the clutter trap and remain clutter-free forever: LOVE IT OR LOSE IT
If there is anything around you that you do not know to be useful, believe to be beautiful, or treasure for reasons of your own, get rid of it. Love it or lose ... Views: 344
You arrived on earth without clutter. Your parents and doting relatives started you on a pathway to accumulation. By the time you were a year old, you had mounds of functional clothing, twenty outfits suitable for dress-up, too many stuffed animals, custom-sized furniture, a silver spoon, and a ... Views: 357
Are you embarrassed when you walk into your home or office?
Do you frequently run out of space?
Is your desk piled high with UPO's (unidentified piled objects)?
Are you frustrated by the amount of time you spend looking for things?
If so, you're not alone! Research shows the average person ... Views: 347
Live Clutter-Free Forever. Have you noticed how clutter is like a boomerang--it seems to come back quickly? The best way to prevent the "boomerang effect" is to commit to a way of life that supports your new resolve to stay clutter-free forever. The five-step Clutter Campaign is not a ... Views: 344
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. -William Morris
What you love, you preserve. There are so many tools available to support your Clutter Campaign. And what works best for someone you know may not work for you at all. This is the time to ... Views: 348
Clutter is dandruff on the shoulders of your room. -Christopher Lowell
"I always seem to have some good excuses for the clutter in my life. I'm too tired, too busy, the kids are doing a project for school. I guess I'll always have clutter and I'll always have excuses." This is what one person ... Views: 327
One of the prime reasons that most of us have occasional or everlasting problems with clutter is that we do not have a clear picture of the ideal setting we want to create for ourselves, our family and our work. In the absence of that clear picture, specific to you, your life, your family, your ... Views: 344
Decide when and where to start. You have the same amount of time each day as did Thomas Jefferson, Einstein, and Mae West. It's all in where you choose to focus your attention.
If you still catch yourself thinking, "This will never work," or, "I'll never succeed," you are right.
If, ... Views: 329
Start by asking yourself these questions:
Are you sick of continuous paper clutter in your home?
Do you waste time looking for information you or other family members need?
Are you hiding papers at the last minute when you are expecting guests?
Is lack of organization putting a ... Views: 353
Trekking in Nepal - A Complete Travel Guide is a key hub for travel information. Nepal is known as the Himalayan country in the world. We always provide the best and updated travel tips to hikers, who love backpacking activities.
On this site, we include travel tips.
Most Popular tea-house ... Views: 394
Recently I wrote about 7 ways you could eliminate paper from your workspace, but many people like to keep some papers. When the concept of “paperless” began to surface, I decided that as an organizing and productivity consultant, I certainly should embrace it. Well, I tried! But like many other ... Views: 351
In a blog entitled "Everything Broken is Clutter", I mentioned that in a speech when I asked the question "What comes to mind when I say the word 'clutter?'” one participant replied "Relationships!" She was referring to relationships in her life that weren't ... Views: 357
A few years ago I returned from a 5-day trip to New York City, and then to Greenwich, CT. It was a fabulous trip in so many ways, and one of them was that I was able to do lots of reading and writing in my hotel room during my travels. Many years prior, I had learned that traveling is one of my ... Views: 386
"The pandemic unleashed a flurry of new entrepreneurs. If the economy goes into recession, that trend will increase," according to an interview in Kiplinger's Personal Finance with Lakshmi Balachandra, professor of entrepreneurship and a fellow in the National Science Foundation's Technology ... Views: 377
In one of my favorite books, First Things First, written by Stephen Covey with Roger and Rebecca Merrill, is a story of the man in front of his class with a pile of rocks and a jar. He puts the rocks in the jar, and then asks the class "Is it full?" "Yes," they answer in unison. "Oh?" he replies ... Views: 396
"I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things." – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
As we hurtle down the runway toward the most hectic time of year for many of us, both personally and professionally, let's take a moment to keep things in perspective.
Recently, as I attempted ... Views: 393
Time, Tools, Trust
As we learned from Barbara Hemphill, "it is not what SHOULD you do, it is what WILL you do." Having the right tools, trusting in them, and using them at the right time are the keys to a satisfying and productive day! I call them: The Three T’s of Productivity.
Tools: The ... Views: 397
“Time spent minimizing possessions is never wasted.” ― Joshua Becker
Let's listen in on a quick conversation between a man and a woman. As the woman pulls items from their bedroom closet, the man lies on the bed looking at a magazine.
Woman - "..., I cannot do this job without you. Most of ... Views: 407
I spoke those words in my 2017 TEDx talk - encouraging people to make a decision about their clutter, take a small action step, and move forward. I wish I knew where I first heard the quote, but it’s been rattling around in my head for so long that I can’t remember, ... Views: 410
Have you ever felt that something happening in the world just wasn't right, but you weren't brave enough to express your opinion?
In the late 1980s, I had a client in New York City who was removing private offices and replacing them with an "open office." Management touted the change as a ... Views: 380
Time management is a popular term. It conjures visions of stopping clocks and herculean feats of efficiency, squeezing in one more task or commitment. In reality, it's less about managing time and more about managing ourselves and our decisions. We know that ineffective time management results ... Views: 421
A colleague and I had just left our morning network group and were walking to our cars. As she walked, Ann was digging in her handbag struggling to find the key to her car. “This always happens,” she said, frustration mounting as she continued to dig – ultimately placing the bag on the hood in ... Views: 407
With Hurricane Florence headed toward PEI almost 4 years ago, it was difficult to stay focused, but during my meditation that morning I read Isaiah 54:10: “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be ... Views: 401
Clutter comes in many forms -- physical, paper, digital, mental, etc. In this age of companies merging and reorganizing, clutter in businesses is rampant. Over and over we experience situations in which "the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing!"
Today I received a letter ... Views: 423
“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” - Mike Murdock
What do you think and feel when you hear the word "routine"? For some, it brings thoughts of rigidity and mind-numbing boredom. For others, it evokes calm and a sense of accomplishment.
No matter your reaction to ... Views: 413
Profit, productivity, and peace of mind…
Over a third (36 percent) of Americans took their last vacation more than two years ago, and over half (51 percent) have not vacationed in more than a year, according to the 11th annual Vacation Confidence Index released by Allianz Global Assistance. ... Views: 376
Virtually every client I've ever had in four decades has asked the question, "What should I do with all this reading?" As we often say about all aspects of getting organized, "Progress starts with the truth," and that means no matter how many speed reading courses you take, you'll probably ... Views: 420
Everything broken is clutter!
At a recent speaking engagement, I asked the question, "When you think of 'clutter,' what comes to your mind?" Several of the answers I expected: "paper," "email," "my garage", but two of the responses truly intrigued me:
1) "head trash"
2) ... Views: 425
"You have no idea how much stuff you have until you have to pack your life into boxes." - Carol (Kathy's Mom)
A quick Google search of life's top stressors returns arguably positive events such as getting married, starting a new job, retirement, and moving to a new residence.
One might ... Views: 397
Every time I tell my husband that I will be giving a speech, he asks, "What are you telling them?" I have to laugh, because I've been saying virtually the same thing for 40+ years. I used to feel guilty about it, but I've discovered that even though a speaker says the same words, I don't always ... Views: 411
Forget Your Filing System! Create a “Finding System” That Works Every Time!
Recently I received the following email: Dear Barbara, A colleague just called me to her office and asked, "Do you remember when you first came here and I gave you all of that information on orientation for new ... Views: 416