Article Title: How to Live and Work with Passion
(from 'Inspirational Books' - Part One)
Submitted by Craig Lock
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(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, words of inspiration and money management)

Publishing Guidelines: This piece (as with all my articles) may
be freely published, electronically or in print.

Author's Note:
This article (in point form) is based on an motivational, up-lifting and inspiring book 'LIVING WITH PASSION' by Peter L. Hirsch. I am sharing the contents of this excellent work in the spirit of encouraging and hopefully even inspiring those people, who really want to "live with passion and purpose" to read the book...and just GO FOR IT.

"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."




"Life can be a rocky road. The challenge is not to let it grind
you into dust; but polish you into a brilliant gem."
- John Milton Fogg

3.Purpose and Values
4.Conquering Your Fear
5.Attitude (positive)
10. Choices

This monument to the power of the human spirit. A positive
attitude, focus, commitment, persistence, devotion to goals and a
passionate desire to achieve your desired goals. The awesome
power of the human mind, human heart, human spirit.
(Perhaps the meaning of life is testing the unquenchable
and indominitable human spirit? - craig)

Our BELIEFS are among the only few things in life we can control.
Your beliefs are your destiny - because our beliefs shape our actions, and our actions create the results. So adopt possibility beliefs.

"The thing always happens that you believe in. And the belief in a thing makes it happen."
- Frank Lloyd Wright

Pascal once said: "Our achievements of today are but the sum total of our thoughts of yesterday. You are today where the thoughts of yesterday have brought you, and you will be tomorrow where the thoughts of today take you."

"What you believe yourself to be, you are."
- Claude Bristol,
from 'The Magic of Believing' (an excellent book, btw).




"Absolutely nothing is impossible in time".
(Yes, even the internet can someday deliver amazing results...
even if you've battled away for years and years without success!)
The power of persistance (and patience)!

THe POWER OF CHOICE: Create beliefs that limit, or beliefs that empower.

We all have innumerable decisions to make each day.
What we do with our time, energies and efforts.
Your choices will determine the FOCUS: the direction in which your life unfolds...
and so your results.

Access to your intuition is through your imagination.

Positive thoughts and feelings are not the result of positive
results. They are the cause. Place to tap into them is through
your subconscious mind - your intuition. Imagination is one of
our greatest and sadly, least used resources. imagination.
There is tremendous power in imagination.
Albert Einstein said that: "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Napoleon believed "the human race is governed by it's imagination."

Pascal: "Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice and happiness, which is everything in this world."

"Great minds have purposes other than wishes."
- Washington Irving

Powerful purpose and values! Everything we do and everyone we are is created by our PURPOSES
and values. Values are the seed from which purpose grows. Your
values are what makes you tick. They are the source of our wants
and desires. Our values are the well-spring from which comes all
that we want in life; everything we seek and search for. Our
values are the source of who we think we are.

Your Life purpose or Mission. Purpose is (and creates) your vision; it is your well-spring and calls forth your passion. As a result, purpose, together with passion (enthusiasm) is the driving force of all accomplishments of greatness.

Thomas Carlyle: "A man without
purpose is like a ship without a rudder."

OJ Simpson: "The day
you take complete responsibility for yourself; the day you stop
making any excuses, that's the day you start to the top."
However, you don't have to become famous to live a heroic life.
All that's required is having a goal bigger than you are. None of
us, I believe, are born with a purpose (ie. God's plan for our lives) already in their minds. I truly believe we have to DISCOVER then follow our destiny. This DECISION then moves a person to make it their life's work. LIVE a big dream. Life purpose is what gets you out of bed in the morning. A person's life purpose may be disarmingly simple. In fact, I think the most powerful ones are!

Mother Theresa's purpose was to have people die with smiles on
their faces.

Mine is to encourage and empower people through my words
and help others to find and live their gifts, their true potentials...
and in so doing hopefully even inspire others to live their very best lives (in a fun way). Consequently in my "own little way" helping to build bridges between various cultures around the world, because we truly have more in common than our differences - what unites us is way more important than what divides us. I truly believe that. That is my no 1 value and that firm belief is MY passion = my purpose.

But not too serious, please, man!

Ro end off...

Those words of inspiration and wisdom have inspired me greatly down my untrodden path (especially in the very dark days of uncertainty). I hope they do the same for you down the often very difficult, yet always mysterious river of life.

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. talent
will not, nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with
talent. Genius will not, unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not, the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
- Calvin Coolidge

"Deep within us there is a flame that burns, and that flame is the spark of God. In some it burns brightly, in others it is barely distinguishable; but always it burns...
and with love and acceptance the flame gets higher and brighter. We can help others to kindle this flame by seeing the good in them, even if they don't see it themselves."
- anon

Craig Lock (Eagle Productions NZ)

P.S: Thank you sincerely, Peter for sharing your insight, words
of wisdom and especially inspiration in encouraging me to follow
my dreams along my "untrodden path" with passion and persistence.



"Every man has his own destiny; the only imperative is to follow
it, no matter where it leads him."
- Henry Miller

"The task ahead of you can always be overcome by the power within you...and the seemingly difficult path ahead of you is never as
steep with the great spirit that lies within you."

"Our Greatest Good is perhaps not to achieve wealth and share our material possessions, our money and 'riches' with others, but through encouragement and faith in other people, to lay the firm foundation of revealing the rich treasure that lies within themselves."
- craig

"Change YOUR world and you change THE world.
Together, one mind, one soul at a time, let's encourage, impact, uplift and perhaps even inspire the world."

End of Part One


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