The basis of our life here on Earth is freedom. Freedom of mind and body are the cornerstones of our collective desire for a just and peaceful civilization. To activate the vibrations and fruitions of peace and freedom we must embody freedom. To embody freedom, that is, to enjoy life living pain free and able to breathe deeply is paramount to expressing freedom within family and society. Freedom within is linked intimately and inextricably to the free movement of energy within our body.

In order to express joy we need free movement of thought and physiological function. You know on a deep level the importance of proper hydration. To be lectured by a doctor about the need for drugs when what the body needs first and foremost is proper hydration is a mistake easily preventable. An ounce (rather 6-10 8oz. Glasses) of prevention is worth… a pound of your happiness.

Live free within the body by consuming lots of delicious water and the soul will thrive. Thoughts of a non-resistant nature come to the forefront of our lives and send a pulse of loving energy across this vibrational universe. One soul connected with the divine source within is as influential as millions who are not.

To allow peace and freedom of body through proper hydration is to get in touch with the free flowing energy of source. Our physical body is primarily water. Our birthright is freedom. Feed your inner spring daily and enjoy the influence of source in your life.

Author's Bio: 

For a free meditation session, more information, and practical solutions, visit

Shawn Duyette is a martial artist of ten years. He has been trained in several energy healing modalites including reiki, quantum touch, and Native American energy healing. Shawn is also a Certified Hypnotherapist and massage therapist. He has been trained in herbology and Chinese medicine (acupuncture, shiatsu, tui-na bodywork) and is currently on sabbatical from medical school.

Shawn is a life long meditator who began meditating at a very young age sitting for hours in the woods of his suburban childhood home in the northeastern United States.

Shawn enjoys writing poetry and has been published as a poet with some of his works found at Currently he is blogging for and he is working on his first book which is aimed at sharing metaphysical principles with children.