I AM DESERVING OF ALL THAT IS GOOD is a wonderful affirmation to begin your day.

Let's break this down a bit and dicuss what the affirmation really means and how it can empower you.

I believe there is great power in the words "I AM". These words make a situation or circumstance true for oneself, by claiming what it is you desire as if it’s already yours. "I am" is like a magic statement. It puts the control and the power of what you wish to achieve right where it should be - within yourself. It claims immediately for you what you desire. It makes something YOURS. Try a little experiment and open up your arms wide, look upward, and say aloud "I am". Say it several more times, and see how you feel. Does it give you a sense of being "uplifted"? Does it give you a sense of being in control and in charge? Does it give you a sense that something is now yours...that it is within you?

When you go through your life using "I am" in a positive way, it opens doors for you. It makes obstacles disappear and it prepares the way for your good and leads you to it. It gives you power over your life and begins to produce results! Be careful not to attach negative things to the words, or it will produce exactly that. For instance, if you state "I am tired", more than likely you will be and remain "tired". But if you feel tired and you say "I am filled with energy", this will begin to produce a more positive result for you. Say it over and over and soon you will be filled with energy! Even if it doesn't seem true at the moment, if you continue to say it, it will become your truth.

Use of the "I am" statement is a creative power. It's job is to attend to your desires and to bring to you what you decree through your spoken words. By using this word, you will soon discover that nothing is impossible and the power that comes forth from within you will be generous.

Why "deserving"?

I believe at the root of all the "not having" and the "lack" is the issue that people feel they are undeserving - because we are *trained* that way. Have you ever heard any of the following phrases as you were growing up:

?Be thankful for what you have and don’t ask for more
?Think about the children who have less than you
?You don’t have to have everything other kids have
?You don’t get everything you want…life doesn’t work that way
?You can’t win all the time
?You can’t be happy all of the time
?Don’t expect anything more
?Don’t be greedy
?Life isn’t a bowl of cherries
?No one ever said life is fair
?That costs too much
?It’s too expensive
?There’s not enough money
?I don’t have it to give

These kind of statements enforce the mental thought that "lack" is okay, to be expected, and to anticipate it. These statements tell us that we are *not* deserving of more. They ingrain the thoughts in our minds that we cannot and should not expect to receive what we desire. They enforce the belief that wanting more or having our true desires is wrong.

Is it any wonder, if you heard any of those statements when growing up, that we don’t have what we truly want? We’re taught that it’s "supposed to be this way." Well, I have news for you. It’s NOT supposed to be this way. Our world is an abundant place - with enough of everything for everyone to have what they truly desire. In fact, it’s already ours…it’s just a matter of whether we wish to claim it or not.

When we claim something as ours - even if it’s not really *here* yet - it tells the universe that this is something we desire and we intend on having it in our life. This can be done through affirmations and thoughts, which then yield toward the development of the desire. By changing our thought patterns and beliefs, we will then be in a state of mind to create, along with the universe, what it is we truly desire.

We *do* deserve our desires to be met. We do deserve the abundance placed before us. By stating I AM DESERVING you are erasing the old mental tapes which taught you that you were undeserving and you are replacing that tape with a new one…one that erases the "blocks" you have in your mind about having more or realizing your true desires and dreams.

Saying the I AM DESRVING OF ALL THAT IS GOOD statement reinforces the "right teaching" which is that you *should* be prosperous, supplied with your desires, and have an abundance of all that is good because it is your divine right! This is what your creator wants for you! It is your spiritual right! "All things are yours" (I Corinthians 3:21) "Give me this day my daily bread." (The Lord’s Prayer) A rich supply of all that is good is around you universally and within you as talents, abilities and ideas longing for expression. However, that rich supply must be contacted and used. Your mind is your electrical wire that connects you. Your attitudes, mental concepts, beliefs, and outlook are your access to the rich substance of the universe. By changing your mental tape to erase the unwelcome and undesirable thoughts of "not deserving", you are opening up the door for new attitudes, concepts, beliefs, and outlook to come in and help you to stir up the riches of the universe, attracting them to you and expressing them through you.

The thoughts of your mind have made you what you are today. And the thoughts of your mind can make you what you wish to be from now on. The more you realize this, the more you will come to understand that people, places, conditions and situations cannot keep what it is you desire from you. You will soon discover that things that have previously worked *against* you will soon work for and with you or they will move out of your life completely and new situations will occur to help you succeed.

You can open up the door to a new life simply by affirming I AM DESERVING OF ALL THAT IS GOOD. That is a true statement which applies to all of us…as a child of our creator, and a member of our universe, it is our divine right. Claim it now as your own and begin affirming the statement on a daily basis.

What will happen if for five, ten, maybe even 15 minutes a day, we all begin our days by stating aloud or writing down "I AM DESERVING OF ALL THAT IS GOOD." I wonder what will change in our lives? I wonder what new light and hope we'll begin to see? Shall we try it? Is anyone willing?

Author's Bio: 

From the A GOOD LIFE course offered by author, publisher, and spiritual healer Michele Janine Johnson. Michele is an intuitive healer, offering you guidance and insights
intended to help you realize your full potential, pinpoint areas which need further observation, and to empower you to seek higher meanings in your everyday life circumstances. Information about the A GOOD LIFE course can be found at http://www.petalsoflife.com.