Anxiety has become such a widespread problem that today many people are interested in how to relieve anxiety. Anxiety can take many forms and can be caused by a variety of factors. Anxiety can also vary in terms of its severity. In mild cases, individuals are able to continue with their daily activities; however, in other cases the anxiety may become so severe that the individual is completely debilitated and unable to even continue with work and family activities.

An individual may suffer from problems related to anxiety for years without even realizing that the problem in questions is anxiety. The symptoms of anxiety may include:

• Excessive worry and tension
• Restlessness
• Irritability
• Headaches
• Muscle tension
• Difficulty concentrating
• Sweating
• Nausea
• Need to urinate frequently
• Fatigue
• Trembling, shaking
• Sleep problems
• Easily startled

One of the first steps in learning how to relieve anxiety is to pinpoint the cause of your anxiety. This can vary for each individual. Some of the most common causes of anxiety include:

There is some research that indicates that your family history could increase your chances of developing an anxiety disorder.

Brain Chemistry
Abnormal brain chemistry may also cause anxiety in some individuals. This can affect the way in which your brain responds in certain situations; which can result in anxiety.

Environmental Factors
Stressful and traumatic events can also result in anxiety. Such situations might include the death of someone close to you, abuse, changing jobs, divorce and other serious life changes.

Pinpointing the cause of your anxiety could take some time, depending on the exact reason for your own anxiety. Working with a therapist can help to speed along the process of identifying the cause of your anxiety, as can keeping a journal to identify the times in which you feel the most anxious.

Anxiety Relief Techniques
There are many natural anxiety relief techniques you can use to help lessen and even eradicate many of your anxiety symptoms. The first step that should be taken in order to improve your anxiety symptoms is to make sure you are following a healthy and well-balanced diet. This includes limiting your caffeine intake and avoiding use of alcohol and drugs, as this will only exacerbate your anxiety symptoms.

At the same time make sure you are getting a sufficient amount of exercise as well as sleep. You may be quite surprised at the difference a moderate amount of exercise and plenty of sleep will make in your anxiety symptoms.

Speaking with a therapist about cognitive behavioral therapy can also be helpful for many individuals in learning how to overcome their individual anxiety problems. This is especially true if you suffer from a specific anxiety disorder such as performance anxiety.

While you may feel as though you are alone in your need to learn how to relieve anxiety
this is not the case. Statistics indicate the at least 4 million people suffer from anxiety disorders.

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