Article Title: Sharing Some Stressbusters: All 51 of them
(Part One - Updated)
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Line Space: 65 characters (approx)
Category (key words): Self Help, Personal Growth,
stress, stress management
Other Articles are available at:
(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, words of inspiration and money management)

Publishing Guidelines:
We hope that the following article may be informative
and helpful to you. This piece may be freely reproduced,
electronically or in print.

"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."


1. Change your priorities
2. Take stretch breaks
3. Step-back and observe
4. Review your propose
5. Get a message
6. Leave five minutes earlier
7. See a comedy
8. Let go and let God
9. Use affirmations
10. Organise your space
11. Share your feelings
12. Smell some flowers
13. Ask for some acknowledgement
14. Listen to your intuition
15. Help someone else
16. Rub your feet and hands
17. Visualise positive outcomes
18. Take care of your health
19. Don't judge; bless
20. Work in the garden
21. Create a budget
22. Be empathetic not overly sensitive
23. Be still and meditate
24. Use time saving technology
25. Carpool and enjoy the ride
26. Set aside time for planning
27. Count your blessings
28. Don't forget, write it down
29. Simplify, simplify, simplify
30. Talk it out with co-workers
31. Eliminate destructive self talk
32. Schedule play time
33. Change your environment
34. Go with your natural rhythms
35. Find an easy place to give your gifts
36. Fully express yourself
37. View problems as opportunities
38. Let go of "what ifs"
39. Be clear of what's expected of you
40. Ask the experts
41. Do your best and then stop
42. Trust Divine timing and order
43. Develop patience
44. Breathe deeply
45. Take a walk
46. Complete things
47. Take a nap
48. Sing a tune
49. Take a warm bath
and finally...
50. Talk out your worries

- Tim Clauss

If through sharing this piece written by Tim Clauss from a book
'LESSONS AND INSIGHTS' (sorry author, unknown),
it helps any others in the
magical journey that is life, then I'm very happy.

and once you've followed all the above 50 tips...

51. "Let go, let God, let good"

"For me life is about loving a lot,
laughing a lot and having good friends.
To feel good about your uniqueness and all the special qualities
that are yours to share with the rest of the world.

It's your time to shine...
to celebrate all that's best and brightest in your life.
So be the bright light you can be to the world."

Eagle Productions (NZ)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking;
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."

- Marianne Williamson

I love these words from Marianne Williamson as used by Nelson Mandela in his inaugeration speech as State President at South Africa's first Democratic Election in 1994. I have admired and respected 'Madiba' for many years - for his "immense generosity of spirit", graciousness and the nobility of his unique spirit of reconciliation".

"Deep within us there is a flame that burns, and that flame is the spark of God. In some it burns brightly, in others it is barely distinguishable; but always it burns...and with love and acceptance the flame gets higher and brighter. We can help others to kindle this flame by seeing the good in them, even if they don't see it themselves."

"When I let go of what (and who) I think I am,
I become all that I am capable of being."

"The task ahead of you can always be overcome by the power within
you...and the often seemingly difficult or even "impassible") path
ahead of you is never as steep with the great spirit that lies
within you."

About the author:
Craig believes in sharing information and insights to make a difference in
this world: to help and especially encourage people along life's magical
journey ... and that brings him the greatest joy.

The various books that Craig 'felt inspired to write'
(including 'Handbook to Survive' ) are available at: and
or contact Craig at

Uplifting, encouraging and empowering people through the power of words and thought energy. Change YOUR world and you change THE world."


Author's Bio: 

Article Title: Sharing Some Stressbusters: All 51 of them
(Part One - Updated)
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Line Space: 65 characters (approx)
Category (key words): Self Help, Personal Growth,
stress, stress management
Other Articles are available at:
(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, words of inspiration and money management)

Publishing Guidelines:
We hope that the following article may be informative
and helpful to you. This piece may be freely reproduced,
electronically or in print.

"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."


1. Change your priorities
2. Take stretch breaks
3. Step-back and observe
4. Review your propose
5. Get a message
6. Leave five minutes earlier
7. See a comedy
8. Let go and let God
9. Use affirmations
10. Organise your space
11. Share your feelings
12. Smell some flowers
13. Ask for some acknowledgement
14. Listen to your intuition
15. Help someone else
16. Rub your feet and hands
17. Visualise positive outcomes
18. Take care of your health
19. Don't judge; bless
20. Work in the garden
21. Create a budget
22. Be empathetic not overly sensitive
23. Be still and meditate
24. Use time saving technology
25. Carpool and enjoy the ride
26. Set aside time for planning
27. Count your blessings
28. Don't forget, write it down
29. Simplify, simplify, simplify
30. Talk it out with co-workers
31. Eliminate destructive self talk
32. Schedule play time
33. Change your environment
34. Go with your natural rhythms
35. Find an easy place to give your gifts
36. Fully express yourself
37. View problems as opportunities
38. Let go of "what ifs"
39. Be clear of what's expected of you
40. Ask the experts
41. Do your best and then stop
42. Trust Divine timing and order
43. Develop patience
44. Breathe deeply
45. Take a walk
46. Complete things
47. Take a nap
48. Sing a tune
49. Take a warm bath
and finally...
50. Talk out your worries

- Tim Clauss

If through sharing this piece written by Tim Clauss from a book
'LESSONS AND INSIGHTS' (sorry author, unknown),
it helps any others in the
magical journey that is life, then I'm very happy.

and once you've followed all the above 50 tips...

51. "Let go, let God, let good"

"For me life is about loving a lot,
laughing a lot and having good friends.
To feel good about your uniqueness and all the special qualities
that are yours to share with the rest of the world.

It's your time to shine...
to celebrate all that's best and brightest in your life.
So be the bright light you can be to the world."

Eagle Productions (NZ)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking;
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."

- Marianne Williamson

I love these words from Marianne Williamson as used by Nelson Mandela in his inaugeration speech as State President at South Africa's first Democratic Election in 1994. I have admired and respected 'Madiba' for many years - for his "immense generosity of spirit", graciousness and the nobility of his unique spirit of reconciliation".

"Deep within us there is a flame that burns, and that flame is the spark of God. In some it burns brightly, in others it is barely distinguishable; but always it burns...and with love and acceptance the flame gets higher and brighter. We can help others to kindle this flame by seeing the good in them, even if they don't see it themselves."

"When I let go of what (and who) I think I am,
I become all that I am capable of being."

"The task ahead of you can always be overcome by the power within
you...and the often seemingly difficult or even "impassible") path
ahead of you is never as steep with the great spirit that lies
within you."

About the author:
Craig believes in sharing information and insights to make a difference in
this world: to help and especially encourage people along life's magical
journey ... and that brings him the greatest joy.

The various books that Craig 'felt inspired to write'
(including 'Handbook to Survive' ) are available at: and
or contact Craig at

Uplifting, encouraging and empowering people through the power of words and thought energy. Change YOUR world and you change THE world."