A few days ago, I did something that I've never done before. I went hiking in the desert mountains with my good friend and Smart Woman, Debra. I've hiked many times in the mountains but I'd never been out in the desert mountains. This was quite a different experience for me. I highly recommend it as a way to get some exercise and see new forms of nature.

During our hike, we stumbled onto a conversation about how people have the option to carry a positive energy source or a negative energy source as they move through life. This got me thinking about how Smart Women are "plugged in" to a positive energy source--much like an electrical outlet.

What you think about will often manifest itself in your life in one way or another. For example, if you are continually thinking about money or the lack of it in your life, it's possible that news ways of earning money will not present themselves to you. For example, a new opportunity may present itself, however, if you are constantly thinking about lack of money, then you might not even see the opportunity. It will pass right by you and move on to someone who is "plugged in" to a positive energy source. This person will immediately see all of the possibilities and begin to take action. What was the difference here? It was the mindset right? The way of being--open to new ideas, new possibilities. One of the exercises that I use in my Women's Success Circles is "Reframing." "Reframing" is choosing to adopt a mindset of looking at life's situations in a new or different way. In other words, you are taking a situation and "reframing" it so that you can see the silver lining.

Are you "plugged in" to a positive energy source that provides you with a positive outlook on life? Are you hopeful and positive about your Big Ideas and dreams? Is your energy level unlimited for the life that you are living? Are you open to new possibilities?

In contrast, are you "unplugged?" Do you find yourself feeling blue with little or no energy? Are you living in fear? Are your hopes and dreams dashed by the current economic situation?

If you are feeling "unplugged" there is one step that you can take right away to get "plugged in" to a positive energy source. Look for and surround yourself with "nutritious" people. Spend time with people that will motivate you, champion you and support you in seeing the silver lining in your life. Yes, there are silver linings in your life. I promise you that there are possibilities in your life that you are tripping over every day. What it takes is a new mindset or getting "plugged in" to a positive energy source.

Sometimes it can be challenging to believe that a new mindset is part of what you need in order to change your life in a more positive direction. A positive mindset is not all you need to bring more of what you want in your life. It does, however, play a large role. The good news? It doesn't cost anything. It's free. And you don't even have to leave your house to find it. It lives within you 24 hours a day and with every breathe you take. It's a choice. It's a decision. Remember, it's the choices that you make every day that will shape your life moving forward.

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.

Author's Bio: 

© 2009 Joy Chudacoff

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