Nanette Geiger, Relationship Coach
, writes... ...

Nora from the UK is curious: “I want a certain person to fall in love with me. Can I cause him to fall in love with me”? Advice about relationships can be varied. The Law of Attraction, however, is based on a universal law. You can get a head start with free video I offer on relationship advice and the law of attraction.

You know Nora, I can see why you'd want a specific person because what you see in the one you have in mind gives you a lot of pleasure. You love the qualities they have. You love what you see in their heart. Perhaps they have everything that you want, from your present vantage point. Let me ask you this question, “If you could have everything you want in this particular one and more, would it matter if it's that particular person”? I mean, is it also possible that this specific one may have qualities that you're unaware of that don't suit you or don't measure up to your expectations and desires? Sure it's possible.

Having said that, what if you could have it all? Every single detail and then some? I couldn't be more serious. I wish I could express to you how utterly surprised, delighted and overjoyed at all that I got in the love of MY dreams. The Universe actually fulfilled on desires I had sort of given up on. I won't go into details here, but you can get all the details if you read my book “Create the Love of Your Dreams.” Lots of people ask me how they can get the Ex- back. I say “~why bother when you can have someone who adores you and whom you adore back?~why would you want an Ex- when you can have someone that you don't have past baggage with?”

I always encourage people to get specific and go for it all. Don't be stingy with yourself. The Universe has the capability of giving you everything your heart desires. It's always important to tag on to the list “This or something better.” You see, we have rather limited imaginations at times and the Universe will knock itself out trying to satisfy our every desire. If we only ask!

Author's Bio: 

Nanette Geiger is a relationship coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. You can find more helpful articles on the Resource Page and books on the publications page of her website at

You CAN have the Relationship of your Dreams! Download Nanette's latest FREE Video on the #1 Secret to find and keep the love of your dreams.