Action or Alignment – Which Comes First?
It depends.
Deliberate creating means that you have a definite objective, goal or desire. That’s the deliberate part. The creating part is getting your internal state to match your outer expectations and actions. Exactly what do I mean by the ... Views: 2235
It takes energy to manifest anything. Why? Because it takes energy to imagine, assemble, construct, implement and further any dream, goal or aspiration. Since everything is one form or energy or another, transmuting the energy of thought and desire into action that will lead to a physical item ... Views: 2026
Perhaps you’ve heard me (or others) say...
“You MUST be a match on the inside before it can show up on the outside.”
A lot of people get frustrated with the whole law of attraction concept. They think they should be getting faster results, instant manifestations and have a much easier time ... Views: 1336
I’ve given many hours of of thought to what it takes to distil into bite sized chunks what gets in the way of being a deliberate creator. I’ve studied, read, practiced, played, created and taught many tools to myself and others to assist them into alignment with their desires.
What I’ve found ... Views: 1386
If you think that energy was moving fast before, the holidays can turbo boost that energy into levels that can tip the scale. That can feel like dread, anxiety, and overwhelm. Why is that?
Think of it this way, if everything is energy and we’re all in motion, the holidays bring up a lot more ... Views: 1385
Real Tips & Tools that Work!
Not tuning in to your energy and emotions could cost you a lot more than you bargained for this holiday season. Following the guidance that your emotions can provide you is the single most important practice for the Deliberate Creator.
Positive Mental Attitude ... Views: 1136
We've all heard the short definition of the Law of Attraction: Like attracts like, right? It seems that this simple explanation has caused more confusion than clarity. Most people think this definition it to be taken literally.
Let's bring some clarity to this subject. We must first note that ... Views: 1443
Ever observed the swimming section of the Olympic Games?
Out of thousands of possible candidates, only 3 will location. The Gold Medal will be awarded to only 1 swimmer. The differences in times are so tiny that they have to be registered by a special machine.
They have all trained with ... Views: 1128
One common question I get asked a lot is "How can I become more consistent with my manifesting?"
Some people get embarrassed when revealing that they don't have the ability to attract what they want with absolute precision. Because at the end of the day, we can know all the theory and have ... Views: 1965
A common misconception about positive manifestation is the idea that your problems and shortcomings are simply going to vanish just because you want them to. If you've ever heard a life coach or self-improvement guru say anything, you've probably heard of the phrase massive action. The question ... Views: 1612
It always helps to remember that the Law of Attraction doesn't play favorites. The truth is, while the Universe is in a sense conscious, it does not understand judgement, it simply understands energy. All the Law of Attraction does is allow situations to manifest in your life that are close to ... Views: 1159
Studies have shown that most normal humans only have the ability to access ten percent of our brain's functioning. That is to say, every conscious thought that comes into your awareness, every conscious endeavor you put your mind to, all of this encompasses only a relatively small portion of ... Views: 1115
Are you having trouble focusing your intentions to manifest what you want? You should take a step back before you keep reading. Take a step back and realize that you are trying to accomplish something, and that is admirable. In our culture, many of us were taught to just accept what you get. Be ... Views: 1021
People often hear sound bytes about the Law of Attraction and just say to themselves, "oh, I've figured it out, these people are selling wishful thinking."
When you wish for something, you're in a very low energy place, in terms of the frequency of your brainwaves. Action requires purposeful ... Views: 1180
I fell in love with the Law of Attraction long ago. I love nothing more than helping people understand the Law of Attraction and how to use it to live more happily. As you may have heard, the Law of Attraction is a universal law that operates whether you understand it or not. You could think ... Views: 977
It might seem like common sense, but to most people it's almost too simple to accept; you are what you think, what you feel, and what has happened to you, and this does not always give you room for much conscious choice.
Almost every normal person goes about their day on relative cruise ... Views: 5737
What does aligning energy even mean? And How do I do it?
I keep in mind I initial heard the phraseology "energetic equivalent" numerous years ago and couldn't really figure out what the speaker meant. I by no means ended up discovering out what the idea meant mainly because I thought ... Views: 1063
Sometimes I'm not sure which is more difficult: attracting an available, compatible lover, or dealing with the difficulties of staying on the path of persisting love.
Here lies the problem. Let me explain. The world is designed on a physical level to manifest more experiences into your life ... Views: 1799
It seems as if the more you try to run away from something, the more that thing becomes pervalent in your life experience.
It seems ironic that when we resort to resisting something, it simply comes back at us in different ways, and manifests into our lives even more. Basically, if you're ... Views: 1536
What do I mean by Higher Mind Functioning? The only way you can really categorize something is to place it within a larger framework of ideas. If there's higher mind functioning, what would it mean to be functioning from a lower state? Thoughts from a "lower mind" can often be interpreted ... Views: 1365
While the "Man" may be ever-present in our daily lives, the evidence that our world is changing for the better is compelling. Never before has such an outcry for equality and openness among such diverse communities in the world. While many are screaming doom and gloom, others are looking beyond ... Views: 1400
Last year was a time of struggle and suffering for many people. I know I'm one of them. People lots their jobs, their family, their hope. It was very hard to escape the hardships caused by the crappy economy. The hope I've seen for a change this year is palpable. It would seem people are looking ... Views: 1085
Everything is made up of energy. The Universe attracts energy of the same frequency. While the Law of Attraction is important to understand, there are other laws as well that can help you transform yourself to a higher level of consciousness. These two other laws are called the Law of ... Views: 3858
I hear from many people who voice problems relating to the low economy. The fact is I hear from subscribers who are anxious, have money problems and express feeling quite vulneralbe. Well I'm here to tell you, practicing Law of Attraction tools has nothing to do with sugar coating the issues. ... Views: 1358
People often ask me how to manifest their desires. One person asked how it was possible to stay positive when faced with the prospect of losing his house.
Imagine you're in a car barreling towards the edge of a cliff. There's already a lot of energy and momentum racing forward. The only way ... Views: 1534
Remember when you learned to tie your shoelaces? Did you do it correctly the first time? Probably not. How much practice did it take to learn how to type correctly on a keyboard? I bet you've done the same combinations of movements thousands of times prior to actually being able to do it without ... Views: 1458
Unmanaged energy can be a huge stepping stone for someone first learning that they can manifest their desires in reality. Consider that the Law of Attraction is always, continuously true, and is always acting on the desires and thoughts of all people. The energy of your mind (your thoughts) is ... Views: 1285
The Law of Attraction is like any other law of physics: it's still there even if you don't believe it's true or don't understand it. Although that's true, many people simply can't believe something unless they understand something on an intellectual level. You're much more likely to use Law of ... Views: 2556
1. Your desires should be perfectly clear to you.
Do you get the feeling that you don't really know what you want? Society teaches us that we shouldn't shoot too high, and as a result people close off their ability to really accept what they want out of life.
You don't have to tell anyone ... Views: 1244
Thoughts of vacation to exotic spots, enjoying the world's most mouth watering foods, meeting wise, other-worldly shamans and living with love attraction are what terrific books and flicks are made of. Are they simply fantasies? Do they just come about to award-winning journalists and the like? ... Views: 1392
Desire is both healthy and natural. The most natural thing we can do is to have a desire. Desire is the impulse and intention that propels the entire Universe. Quantum Physics and Spiritual teachers are all telling us that the nature of the Universe and the nature of God is ever expanding, ... Views: 1967
In Part One of this two part series, we examined what it means to live life unconditionally. Life without conditions simply means that nothing has to be different, new or improved for you to lead a fully satisfying, happy life. That's a radical concept for many.
One big key is to know ... Views: 1232
What if you knew, you absolutely KNEW that your money, your body, your love life, your children, your career, your home, and everything else in your life was absolutely PERFECT - just the way it is right now?!
What if your mind, the present state of life was that everything - exactly as it is ... Views: 2188
Would you like some great energy tools that have an immediate impact on your vibration - and therefore your magnetism? Laughter and Toning.
Laugher is truly excellent medicine for whatever ails you. Now obviously if you don't find anything humorous, it's hard to make yourself laugh. right? Or ... Views: 1611
Do you know what your money vibe is? Here's the absolutely easiest way to tell what your vibrational equivalent to money is. Take a look at your bank account. What's your present life experience with money? Your bank account will tell you every time.
What you're presently experiencing is a ... Views: 1722
Recently I got an email from one of my subscribers. He asks ...
I'm trying to manifest my desires but fear and anxiety keep creeping in. And then there are a lifetime of bad habits, lack conditioning, low self esteem and the tendency to focus on my previous disappointments. What can I ... Views: 2692
If I could show you a really easy way to become aligned with your desire, would you take it into practice?
As soon as you accept your life circumstances, PRECISELY as they appear with nothing needing to change for you to experience peace, then you're in the mode of ... Views: 2617
I attracted emotionally unavailable men, men who lived out of state, or traveled a great deal of time. Even though my father was an emotionally absent father, I thought that since I consciously knew it, I'd consciously choose loving relationships with men that were available. Even up to the last ... Views: 2885
Everything is energy. Even medical science measures the electrical impulses in our cells with EKGs.
Stress is energy. Albeit negative energy. Stress is the experience we encounter when the brain sends out electrical signals that lead to an emotion (perhaps anxiety, depression, or anger), a ... Views: 1251
Most of us think that having the THING, relationship, Career, House, Vacation is what we want. It's actually the STATE we'll have once we have that THING.
If you can vibrationally cut to the chase, flow that energy, essence, feeling state in advance, you'll be in the attraction mode and start ... Views: 1927
It's true, your thoughts are electrical and transmit like a radio tower.
The Law of Attraction is the Universal managing system that matches and mirrors back to us what we think about and how we feel about what we're thinking. It's not just the thoughts we have, it's also the emotions and ... Views: 1451
Are You getting what You expect out of life? What are your expectations on attracting money, financial success and wealth? What are your expectations on thriving in your life and career? What are your expectations for joyous and fulfilling outcomes in life overall?
Most likely they are ... Views: 2117
It's always recommended to allow actual space for an unhindered relationship to manifest into your experience. That is, clean out a closet, and some drawers. Allow your space for living to be conducive for two people to live comfortable. And while that's important, it's of even greater ... Views: 2120
What's the most efficient method to manifest wealth when I do not have enough? How do I become aligned with my desires for enough money when I do not make the money I need presently?
What do I do to get an increased amount of money to manifest when I get anxious and even sometimes ... Views: 1763
What is halting you from manifesting the kind of life that you cannot wait to play in? What keeps you struggling with manifesting all the money you want? What is keeping you broke? Can you see the reasons you voice to yourself for the above? In the answer is the reason for why you're always ... Views: 1200
You have an energetic set point at this very moment. If you're not content with what is showing up in your life, you MUST be able to own your intentions – take one-hundred percent ownership and then you can change it. The Universe is not dropping things on your head because of a past life. ... Views: 1604
So now you are feeling expectant, feeling good, and anticipating money coming in. At this point, you're in the RECEIVING mode. As Jesus taught, ASK, understanding you will get it, and you will RECEIVE. That is the receptive or allowing mode. I also speak of this kind of ecstatic anticipation ... Views: 1367
You turn mega attractive to the wealth you want by clarifying exactly what it is you want and why you desire it. So that leaves the How... How DO you clarify your want? You clarify a want by saying it, writing it on paper and accepting that you might have some counter-intentions running in the ... Views: 1244
If you aren't getting what you have been wanting for a long time, you probably have some outdated programs that were instilled in us from when we're kids and collective unconscious that runs in the background.
Your mind doesn't permit you to have your desires realized because of the older ... Views: 1087
Most people fail to truly understand that they have limiting energy or emotion in childhood experiences. Negative emotion, whether strong or mild, feels bad and many of us simply figure out how to disregard it, live with it, or project it farther into the unconscious. People tend to not ... Views: 1074