Asthma is a respiratory disease and there has been a lot of research to support the fact that snuff does much damage to the respiratory system.

In this article we take a look at some of the most important in relation to asthma and snuff then we will look at some recent news that newborn offer hope for people with asthma will soon be able to get a permanent relief.

Smoking increases the risk of asthma attacks by irritation of the airways, making them more frequent. It prevents the lungs in poor condition, and symptoms are more difficult to control. Harmful substances from the snuff settle in the lungs and can cause other health problems, and cancer.

Smoking can also cause asthma treatments ineffective in modifying the inflammatory process to the point of resistance to corticosteroids.

Asthma and snuff - children

Secondhand smoke must be avoided as well, since it is a known asthma trigger, and may be even more dangerous than the person smoking. It is especially dangerous for children because it can interfere with lung development. In addition to asthma, children who are exposed to secondhand smoke may develop other diseases such as sinusitis and lung infections.

Children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy tend to have breathing problems and asthma tends to develop easily. Other problems that smoking during pregnancy can induce are low birth weight, premature births and sudden infant death syndrome in infants. There have been reports of asthma in children improves significantly after the parents have stopped smoking in the home.

Asthma and snuff - Where is the problem?

It is absolutely clear that the best thing to do if you have asthma and are still smoking, you quit. Statistics show that most asthma patients how smoking can be devastating to your health, however, remain the same. There must be a psychological condition and strong underlying personal reasons and triggers that lead to the dedication of the effects of smoking. Motivation and willpower are very important in such situations.

There are many different techniques that can help you stop smoking such as nicotine patches or gum, getting a new hobby, exercise, or you can think about joining a support group.

Asthma and snuff should be mutually exclusive. If you are having trouble quitting smoking, you may want talk with a counselor. There are specialists called respiratory therapists who serve exactly this purpose, to help people with asthma to quit smoking. They can be a good support when he was tempted. Quitting smoking will help control the disease and improve quality of life in general.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Beverley writes highly informative and researched articles for end consumers about a variety of health care topics including remedies, Health and Fitness, Nutrition, Slimming, weight loss products, bodybuilding supplements and diet tips.