Sex can be a wonderful expression of love between two people, sadly, however for some asthma sufferers all that heavy breathing can actually trigger an asthma attack by drying out the airways. Fortunately, there is a solution that will make you and your partner happy, help keep your love alive plus offer you some asthma relief as well.

Many asthmatics avoid heavy exercise because it can trigger asthma symptoms or even a serious attack, but avoiding sex is not something most people are willing to do and just doesn't make for a happy partnership.

An active love life can still be enjoyed by taking a few simple measures. One of the main triggers for asthma is the dust mite and their waste or droppings. They are present in every home. Sounds disgusting doesn’t it? There is a solution, the first thing that is required is cleaning up and at least reducing the dust mites and their waste in your bedding, carpets and other bedroom fixtures. This is not really that difficult to do. Simply washing all bedding in hot water and drying on high heat weekly will kill dust mites. Replacing your old pillows regularly ensures that dust mites and their waste are kept in check. In addition, if you have pets that you are allergic to keep them out of the bedroom.

Next it's important to invest in a good quality Ultra HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter air purifier to take out the airborne allergens and also an Ultra HEPA filter vacuum cleaner for any rugs or floors and upholstery cleaning. Steam cleaning rugs and furniture is also effective. Washing floors and walls helps to prevent dust build up. If you can replace rugs with laminate flooring etc. this is better.

If you live in a dry climate, the next thing you'll need to do is buy a good quality humidifier for your bedroom to help keep your air passages warm and moist. Buying one that prevents bacteria and mold growth is also very important to your health.

Rapid temperature changes to the lungs can cause an attack, so opening a window next to your bed and letting chilly winter air blow in is not a good idea. Keeping fit will make you healthier and decrease your asthma symptoms. Exercising inside in a warm room on a cold day is preferable. For those who are sedentary, starting to walk or cycle just a half hour daily or taking a yoga class will make a big difference. People who run will find that, interval training, which allows you to rest periodically rather than continuous running or jogging is less likely to cause an asthma attack.

When you have strengthened your lungs through exercise and applied the simple preventative measures in the bedroom, you are much more likely to enjoy lovemaking without threat of an asthma attack. If you are looking for more ways to safely eliminate your asthma symptoms, you may want to consider a natural asthma treatment that is free from side effects.

Author's Bio: 

Susan Millar is a former asthma and allergy sufferer. She is a researcher and author of The Dramatic Asthma Relief Report, based on extensive research from internationally respected medical publications about genuinely effective drug-free asthma relief, which helped her to eliminate her asthma. Please visit for more information.