Yoga is a holistic discipline, which strengthens the core muscles in the body by increasing flexibility and AIDS. Although low back pain yoga may lack the intensity of some of the other routines, a passive approach may prove useful when relieving minor discomfort, or even unbearable pain in my lower back. Yoga positions or asana are designed to stretch different muscle groups.

Bal-Asana or posture of the child:
This is one of the simplest of back pain and yoga asana can be used to heat and winding down training. To do so, the BAL-asana, start with a yoga mat, sitting on his knees back to your heels, legs bent and your buttocks resting on his feet. Bend forward, touching his forehead to the ground and hands behind you, beside your feet. Breathe slowly and hold the pose for 5-10 seconds, repeat 5-7 times. If you cannot touch her head to the floor for carpet or cushion.

The Asana or posture Tada Mountain:
While Tada-asana seems to be easy, do not let its simplicity fool you, this is a very popular yoga asana and effective for back pain. Start standing with feet together against a wall, heels touching the wall surface. Keep your body with hands outstretched to the sides and palms down. Tighten the knees and buttocks and pull in your belly as you lift the chest. Look forward and breathe regularly, hold the stretch for 30-60 seconds.

The Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon posture:
Placed in the position asana Tada and place a block on the right side of his body. Raise arms to shoulder level and rotate the right leg with your right foot parallel to the wall to bend the right knee so your right hand reaches the block. Now, raise your left arm toward the ceiling and lift your left leg parallel to the ground with your weight on the right leg is straightened. The spine should be parallel to the floor and hands, right and left should be parallel to the wall. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Butterfly Tital asana or postures:
This is in a sitting position, lower back pain yoga, start with this position, legs extended forward sat upright, now bend your knees so that the soles of the feet are drawn in a branch of the region. The thighs should be parallel to the floor at this point. Push down on your knees bent with both hands without raised heels. Bend your elbows on your thighs and head. Exhale and press your thighs down and prepare them for yourself when you exhale. Try 20 to 30 times.

The Sarp Asana or Snake posture:
This decrease is a yoga posture for lower back pain, this asana works on the muscles of your back and abdomen. Lie on your stomach and clasp your hands behind your back. Keep your feet flat on the soles and heels ground up. Inhale and lift the neck, chest and legs while balancing your weight on your belly. When you need to breathe, not out of position, simply tilt your body left or right. Do 10 to 15 rolls first and gradually increase to 30-50 rolls?

Yoga experts suggest that doctors do not unduly stress your body when you do different asanas. When making positions, which should be comfortable and should not experience pain. Ideally, you should learn yoga for low back pain of an experienced instructor or a reliable source.

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