Your diet has a huge impact on the health and condition of your hair. That is why, whenever you are trying to grow shiny, abundant locks, dermatologists will recommend a diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Good food is the secret to lush, shiny, naturally beautiful hair.

Here are some diet essentials you should not overlook if you want abundant, healthy, thick hair.


Proteins are the key building blocks of the hair shaft; so you should ensure that your food has adequate proteins. Proteins help make hair stronger and less prone to breakage. While non vegetarians get their protein intake from consumption of poultry, fish, and red meat, vegetarians should make sure that their food has plenty of beans, legumes, and soy.


Green vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins. Vitamins C and A, in particular, are needed to keep hair soft and damage-free. If your food does not contain adequate vitamins, you will notice that your hair becomes dry and rough more easily.


The fat-phobic trends we are currently witnessing, lead us to believe that all fats are bad for health. So much so, that many women have completely eliminated fats from their diet, believing them to be unhealthy. There are healthy fats and there are unhealthy fats. You need to make a distinction between the two before you can plan a healthy, hair-friendly diet.

Omega -3 fatty acids, for example, found in some fish, are known to be good for hair. Women who have eschewed meat can get their fat requirement from nuts such as walnut, almonds, and cashew.


Ever wondered why many anti hairfall shampoos contain zinc? Zinc is an antioxidant, which is good news for hair and skin. Zinc is extremely important for the health of hair and scalp. Dermatologists often recommend zinc supplements to women battling hair loss. Unfortunately, a lot of women are not aware that their diet may be lacking this crucial hair fall control nutrient. Oysters are rich in zinc, as are walnuts and fiber rich cereals.

Limp, lifeless, and thin hair makes you look unattractive. Hair in poor condition is also difficult to style. Most styling products and heat cause severe damage to already-unhealthy hair.

If you are worried about thinning hair, include these nutrients in your diet. Don’t depend on pills to provide you the required nutrients. Food is much more likely to provide not just one, but several types of nutrients.

You should also start a hair care regimen to restore health to your hair. Keranique, a product trusted by thousands of women, does magic for your hair. A look at any Keranique review will tell you that women are thrilled by this product, which makes their hair thicker, fuller looking, and more manageable. Keranique is a name trusted by women of all ages for its ability to boost hair health and restore the confidence of women.

If you are looking for the best hair care, start by planning out a better, nutrient-rich diet.

Author's Bio: 

Keranique is a hair rejuvenation system consisting of five super-effective products. keranique thinning hair product was developed to act on thinning hair, and is known to make hair fuller and more voluminous, while making it more manageable. Learn more about Keranique product at keranique official Website.