A lot of people struggle to lose weight, and are fighting these extra lbs their whole lives. There are as well numerous folks who find it really difficult to gain weight,and find themselves being to skinny.No matter what they try, they can not seem to gain weight.
In this article I would like to share with you some guidelines on how to gain weight quickly, for those who would like to gain more muscle mass.

To start with, I would like to share with you the things that have been shown to be the most common reasons for people to have trouble gaining weight.

1. Bad eating habits.

The primary reason for people having trouble gaining weight is a bad diet, too much junk food, too much coffee and soda drinks as an example. In general,having a diet that is lacking in nutritional value. Smoking can as well have an impact if you have trouble gaining weight.
It is quite common that people do not get enough protein from their diet, and protein is necessary for muscle growth and maintainance.

2.Not getting sufficient nutrition.

Even if you feel like you are eating enough, it is a good possibility that you are not getting all the nutrition you need from your meals. Also the frequency of your meals could be unsufficient.

3. Not working out at all.

If you want your muscles to grow bigger you need to be performing some sort of strength training.

Here you have my points on how to put weight on fast:

1.Consume more calories.

Consume more wholesome foods, protein-rich, and rich in vitamin and minerals.Consuming more junk food, chips and cookies is not beneficial.

Carbs are the body's fuel, and you should really focus on getting good carbs from foods like whole grain bread, oats, bran etc.

Fat will need to be a part of your meal, 25-30%. Be shure to get adequate amounts of essential fatty acids from foods such as seafood and olive oil.

Find out what your daily calorie need is, and then add 500 calories to it. You can determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which tells you your daily calorie need when you are not moving. By multiplying that amount in a specific way considering your exercise level,you can find out how many calories you need per day (google "BMR")
Adding 500 calories per day ought to get you a weight gain of 1-2 lbs per week.

2.You really should work out.

If you want to gain weight and muscle, you have to do some type of strength training. If you do not work out all those additional calories will probably end up on your belly.
Weight lifting training 3 times a week, for 45-60 minutes, to much training could result in less muscle gain.

If you are interested in doing other sorts of athletic workouts, you can also include those in your routine, for 20-30 minutes up to 3 times a week.

So, I hope you have gained some understanding on how to put weight on quickly.

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If you require more help with how to gain weight I recommend that you check out my review on the best muscle building program