Binge eating is consuming large amount of food continuously unusually even when you are not hungry. It is also known to others as emotional eating. People who tend to have bingeing disorder they lose their self-control over food. Binge eating disorder is treatable once you understand the reason why you are binging.

Who tends to have binge eating disorder most:

Young and middle-aged women and girls in their early or mid-20s are more vulnerable to binge eating disorder.

Symptoms of binge eating:

It’s hard to tell that someone has binge eating disorder since many people who have binge eating tend to feel embarrassed. Some of these symptoms are:

  • Faster eating than normal.
  • Taking large amount of food even though you are not hungry. -Eating until uncomfortably full.

Cause of binge eating:

  • Genetic disorder: eating disorder may be running in family and these genes may affect one’s eating habit since they are passed down the family.
  • Learning: perhaps by watching others around you overeat often may influence your general eating habit thus causing bulging.
  • Low self-esteem: most of the people who bulge tend not to be satisfied with how they look. They may be thinking badly about their body shapes thus leading to binge eating.
  • Dieting: attempts to lose weight sometimes may cause bingeing due to following unhealthy diets like skipping meals and if this is unsuccessful, they tend to eat more due to disappointment.
  • Anxiety and stress: people who may have a stressful event that has occurred recently re more likely to overeat when hey are anxious and stressed
  • Dieting: attempts to lose weight sometimes may cause bingeing due to following unhealthy diets like skipping meals and if this is unsuccessful, they tend to eat more due to disappointment.

Effects of binge eating:

Bulge eating may cause some health risks like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gallbladder disease and some certain type of cancer like breast cancer, gallbladder cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Some people who have binge eating disorder have other mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression and abuse of substances.

Control of binge eating:

Overcoming bingeing needs commitment since its an addiction to food.

-Make plans for your food intake each day something like a food diary and stick to it.

-Eating regular meals, they will keep your blood sugar steady so you will feel no hunger.

-Find ways to soothe your emotions that is if you feel that anxiety or depression are your main reason for bingeing.

-Find something else that substitutes binge, do something else that you enjoy and you will be distracted and forget about bingeing.

-If none of the above works, seek professional help, support groups online will aid in helping you gain support emotionally.

Binge eating disorder diagnosis:

Binge eating disorder can be diagnosed when your doctor asks questions about your eating habit and medical history thus being honest will help. Binge eating disorder may be treated by some plans like nutrition therapy and support groups.

In conclusion, binge eating is treatable when one is willing to be committed to healthy daily routines that are required and moving forward in making progress.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Elaine and I'm a self proclaimed "do it yourself addict". I am the mother of the best 11 year old boy ever and my husband's not too shabby either