Yes, it bothers me. I'm a blog content writer for hire and I read a lot of "how to blog better for your business" article. They all talk about riveting content, tight copy, and getting conversions. And that's all good advice…

But, what if your small business is your blog or a series of blogs? What then?

Better Blogging for Your Blog

Of course, great content, good copy and getting conversions on blog is just as important to the guy or gal that is blogging purely to make money from it. Doing so, without actually selling a service or product, can seem like a futile fight with search engines, though.

As a guy who has been trying to make money with blogs for five years and has had some success in it, here are some tips.

5 Tips to Making Your Blog Your Business

1. Of course, I'm going to go here first: Good content! Without it all you are is a spam artist and not a blogger. Write great stuff or hire a blog writer to write for you!

2. Be Everywhere! Write guest posts on popular blogs in your niche. Comment on blogs and in forums that pertain to your niche. Have Facebook and Twitter accounts with targeted followers in your nice and post to them regularly.

3. Choose the right advertisers. This is pretty important. If you have ads and affiliate links on your blog that have nothing to do with the niche that you're in then you're not going to convert. People are there because they're interested in your topic and if the ads are targeted then you have low conversions!

4. Diversify your revenue streams by using different ad methods (CPM, CPC and Affiliates). Write sponsored posts and reviews for legitimate companies and services. Be honest about your reviews to your readers. Let them know that you're getting paid for it. Be truthful in your review!

5. Never forget the person on the other side of the screen! Of course you want to make sure that your site and blog posts are search engine optimized. But remember, search engines and their robots don't follow you on Twitter, they don't comment on posts and they don't click and buy ads. NEVER FORGET THIS!

So, whether you run a small business blog or your blog IS your small business make sure you treat it that way!

Author's Bio: 

Ken Muise has been an active-duty Soldier for 18 years, a husband and dad for 13 years and a content writer for 5 years.

Everyday he learns something new. Everyday he strives to get better at being a Soldier, husband, dad and blogger.

Visit him or request his services at Content 4 Blogs