Sugar is addicting. Sugar (sucrose) is contained in almost all processed foods. I wonder if the “addicting” trait of sugar and its appearance in almost all processed foods has anything to do with the food industry’s desire to make money. What do you think?
The key to controlling your sugar intake and your blood sugar level is in staying away from refined sugar and getting most of your sugar from complex carbohydrates (from natural food sources—fruits, etc.). Most Americans are addicted to sugar. Half of the time you are eating food with sugar in it and you don’t even know it! You will be amazed to find how much sugar is in products you never even thought had sugar: ketchup, salad dressings, canned foods, etc. It is hidden in most of the foods you buy in the grocery store. The average American consumes about a half cup of sugar or more daily. You must come to the realization that sugar is poison.
A normal body breaks down carbohydrates, proteins and fats and produces glucose. People who constantly eat simple sugars destroy their body’s ability to do so, because it has a constant flow of ingested simple sugars. This is where the “addiction” forms, as you now are dependent on an outside source of glucose (sugar). You also lose the ability to metabolize sugar and keep it in a healthy range within the cells.
Another effect of eating the wrong kind of carbs, which make your blood sugar levels spike, then drop quickly, is fatigue. When you ingest refined sugars, the initial feeling is a rush of energy. Then the pancreas produces insulin to drop the blood sugar level down. The sugar has been used for energy but since it doesn’t contain any nutrients, your body is hungry, and usually craves more sugar. Consuming refined sugar is a health hazard because it provides only empty calories. In addition, sugar saps the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the body’s effort to digest, detoxify and eliminate it. So the addictive cycle of ingesting sugar (which causes fat storage because of insulin production) instead of nutritious food continues. It is obvious that when your body doesn’t get any nutritious food and stores fat, you are headed for some serious health problems.
Before workouts, you should eat low glycemic carbohydrates to help control insulin release and maintain blood sugar. Low glycemic foods provide long-term energy and help maintain stable blood sugar levels during extended exercise periods more than one hour. You're most vulnerable to binging when your blood sugar levels are low. This happens if you under eat, or wait too long to eat during the day. When you eat smaller meals more often, it makes it much easier to regulate your blood sugar levels and give you a sustained energy level. Last, but not least, exercise helps to control blood sugar regulation.

Degenerative Diseases Caused by Regular Sugar Consumption
Diabetes Osteoporosis
Asthma Obesity
Hypoglycemia Tooth decay
Inflammatory bowel disease Constipation
Intestinal gas Heart disease

Rico Connor

Author's Bio: 

Rico Connor is a 55 year old self-taught health and fitness expert, author, bodybuilder, and business entrepreneur. He has been featured in Muscle & Fitness, FLEX, AXL, Health Smart and LVAC Magazines and seen on FOX 5 news. He has written columns for a national magazines and has won the only two bodybuilding contests he has ever entered. His expertise lies in the fields of mind-body connection, nutrition, strength training, and supplementation

His paperback, Total Health For Life, Mind & Body, The Baby Boomer’s Bible of Health is for sale on It teaches how to achieve optimal health, fight disease and reverse aging—as well as training your mind for success and finding happiness and fulfillment. Rico is also a contributing Author to the Amazon Best Seller Manifest Success"

He has over 2500 subscribers to his very popular You Tube site as “totalhealth4life” with over 45 educational, motivational and teaching videos.

His web site is
He also sells the best ionizer, alkalizer machine in the world at and is a distributor for the healthiest juice in the world, Mona Vie.