Change Your Thinking!

When You Change Your Thinking...

You Change Your Beliefs.

When You Change Your Beliefs...

You Change Your Expectations.

When You Change Your Expectations...

You Change Your Attitude.

When You Change Your Attitude...

You Change Your Behaviors.

When You Change Your Behaviors...

You Change Your Change Your Performance.

When You Change Your Performance..

You Change Your LIFE!

Any Change in your life starts with changing your thinking. If you believe your a hopeless case and you can't get better, chances are you won't. When I started my recovery this was shown to me and it really made sense. I think recovery is possible for me. I believe I can get better. I expect good things to happen in recovery. My attitude changed and I became willing and surrendered to the process. I was more focused and confident. My behaviors, priorities and actions changed to ones with recovery first. My performance drastically improved. My life changed dramatically. It all begins with changing your thinking! You can recover. Think it, believe it and live it!

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