Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you had everything in place and everything was neat and organized? Do you cringe at what you’ve shoved behind your closet doors or packed in a drawer just to get it out of the way? Do you ever feel your environment is bogging you down but you don’t know where to start to change that? Take a minute to consider what clutter you have.

I bet it falls into one of 3 categories.

TRASH: You’d be surprised how much “junk” you have in your home that you don’t really want and neither does anyone else. Grab a big black trash bag and go on a TRASH HUNT!! Make this FUN. Give everyone in the home a trash bag and go for a trash hunt. Get that trash out of there. Do this daily in various areas of your home/ garage/ car/ etc until it is all GONE!! Look through every nook and cranny of your house and start throwing things away. It’s such a ride. It’s like losing tons of weight in one fell swoop. Once you’ve collected your trash, get rid of it… Pronto! Get it out of the house and on the curb and get started on your next task.

GIVE: Likely you have things in your house or living space you’re not using and will likely never use again. Quit kidding yourself. You know you’re not going to wear that shirt again, you’re not going to need that certain knick knack, and you don’t need those extra 3 bowling balls. If you did, you’d be using them. If you do want to use something different someday, chances are you won’t resort to old things tucked away in never never land. Think about it, is this item you’re hanging on to serving you or aiding you in living the life you envision for you and your family? If not, simply donate the items to a good cause and feel the reward twofold: a weight off your shoulders and giving someone else the opportunity to enjoy something you once treasured as well. Commit to hanging on to only your best belongings that support you in being your best and focused on the FUTURE.

KEEP: Now, you’ve decided to keep only what is treasured, awesome, nice and in good condition. Now it’s time to devise your internal operating system. Commit to designating a home for all your things big and small. Consider it a necessity that all things you are keeping have their own sacred space just as you want your home to be for you. Think… it’s just as important for paperclips to have a nice cozy home where they can sit and relax isn’t it?

Author's Bio: 

As a singer, songwriter, performer, and life coach, Laurie made a committment early in her career to combine her life's passions of helping others and music to create her now online busines primarily focused on helping individuals to organize and simplify their lives. After obtaining her masters in Social Work in 2000, Laurie served as a therapist in the mental health field working specifically with young women and their families until branching out into the coaching arena. In 2007, Laurie was provided with the opportunity to record her debut album in Nashville TN with some of the most established musicians in the industry and is now celebrating the release of her album: Call it a Feeling. Music samples are available at

Laurie offers a free ezine, THE DIVA DIRECTION, that includes helpful tips/ tools/ and lots of FREE resources to help you Organize and Simplify so you can stay inspired, motivated, and on fire about life. Learn more about Laurie at