How does it make you feel when someone expresses their sincere gratitude to you? Do you accept their thanks gracefully? Do you tend to discount the significance of what they are so grateful for? Or, do you brush it off with a quick “you’re welcome” and move on?

It is very important that we take a look at how we receive the gratitude of others. Our reaction is an acknowledgement of the difference we have made for those who are thanking us. It provides an opportunity for a spiritual connection with that person or group that is trying to let you know that you have indeed made a difference for them.

There are many benefits of both expressing gratitude and receiving the expressions of gratitude from others. The first of these benefits is the creation of spiritual affluence between the two parties who express and receive gratitude with an open heart. The word affluence has its roots in the French term “aux flux de” which means to flow. So, in addition to creating a spiritual connection with others, you create a spiritual flow of energy that runs both ways when you give a heart-felt acknowledgement of someone’s gratitude.

In the often busy and task-filled days for most of us in developed nations it is sometimes difficult to slow down and truly acknowledge the differences we make. But creating a mind-set of both giving thanks and warmly receiving thanks creates a powerfully uplifting emotional connection that binds us with those we love and care about. It also builds our ability to maintain a positive outlook and relationship with those around us.

The good news about giving and receiving gratitude, and the difference it can make, is that it doesn’t cost anything. You can accomplish tremendous spiritual and emotional flow with the simplest of things. It can be a smile, a small courtesy exchanged between you and someone else or most any thoughtful act that makes a little difference for someone.

It could be your graceful reaction the expressions of thanks you received for a hand-written note you took the time to send. I doesn’t really matter what the event, act, activity or deed that you have given. To say, “you are most welcome” with the sincerity of one who understands the spiritual connection which has just been created is the very flow that will manifest a bond of continuity between you and those for whom you have made a difference. This active response provides yet another opportunity to let that other person know how much the connection between you means to you.

By taking the extra moment in time to feel the connection from those who are thanking you, you will have stirred the emotional connection necessary to make your relationship with that person more real and significant for whatever develops in the future. And you can do this in an instant. With the return of your smile, a handshake or hug or just a momentary look of acknowledgement that says, “Of course you are welcome…you are my friend and making a difference for friends is what we do”.

Rotary International was founded in 1905 and has continued to flourish and expand around the world, and across a wide variety of different cultures, largely because of its timeless motto which is “Service Above Self”. This motto is about the intention of making a difference for others without the expectation of getting anything in return. It represents the most common thread that most all of our Human Family possesses.

But as powerful as this motto is, it is also important for us to use every opportunity to keep the emotional flow going with your heart-felt acknowledgement of the gratitude of others. This warm and thoughtful connection to the gratitude of others is but one more opportunity to make a difference…again.

Author's Bio: 

Dave McSpadden is a forward thinking researcher, author, professional speaker, seminar leader and mastermind coach whoʼs professional services center around helping active baby boomers achieve peak performance at every age. Dave is dedicated to teaching baby boomers to use their God-given gift of the power of choice to develop the critical areas of their spiritual balance, mental fitness and brain function, physical fitness, vital health, emotional well being, relationships, financial independence and their decision making skills. is a unique and innovative internet resource whose goal is to be the most trusted and reliable internet destination for people of the Baby Boomer Generation.

The objective of Boomer-Living® is to "MAKE A DIFFERENCE" by offering valuable information, guidance, tools, and tips, as well as services and products, designed to improve the quality of life for all Baby Boomers. promotes and highlights the rich and rewarding possibilities available to all members of the Baby Boomer Generation, while strongly supporting the concept of lifelong learning, personal mastery, and self-fulfillment.

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