One of the most dangerous modern evils to affect our society is drug addiction. Most times ending in death, it is one of those ‘illnesses’ that needs to be nipped in the bud from the beginning itself. What makes it even more dangerous is that it can affect people from all walks of life and all age groups. There have been many drug arrests documented on television regarding even celebrities, showing that drugs can hit anyone.

Unlike addiction to cigarettes, for example, drugs work their dark magic much faster and are far more addictive. They trick your brain into thinking that your body needs it in order to feel relaxed so you crave even more. As time passes, you realize that you can’t do without them and before you realize it, it could be too late.

According to a recent addiction report, the sister of a once famous member of a music band died due after overdosing on prescription pills. While most of us feel that such drugs aren’t harmful since they’re prescribed by doctors, it would do everyone well to remember that over-the-counter drugs are just as potent and are now believed to be one of the most sought after forms of substance abuse.

Governments the world over are attempting to crack down on drug trafficking even though it sometimes appears that they’re fighting a losing battle. In the end of 2011, federal drug enforcement officers cracked a drug smuggling ring and seized 32 tons of marijuana. The smugglers involved had used a tunnel to traffic their goods from Tijuana to San Diego. Earlier, officers came across another such tunnel located in the same area and confiscated 17 tons of the same substance.

The above examples show the prevalence of drugs in our society and despite many drug arrests being made, more such traffickers crop up. Read any addiction report and you will see just how easy it is for people to make money at the risk of others’ lives.

The only way addiction can be halted is if ordinary individuals stay away for intoxicating substances. While it is easier said than done, authorities can only do so much to stop this trend. This is why it is so important for the masses to stay aware and keep away from drugs.

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Here are some other articles on addiction report and drug arrests,