Given the fact that most of the effects of multiple sclerosis is irreversible, it is essential to timely identify the disease and begin administering the proper course of medication. With suitable cure and with the help of supportive therapies (physiotherapy and kinetotherapy), patients with multiple sclerosis can recuperate manage of their bodies and live a normal, active life.

The drugs available today are used to carry out a series of targets in multiple sclerosis patients: some drug treatments are aimed at reducing the rate of progression of the disease, while others are directed at improving some of the symptoms generated and longer periods of remission. The drugs are now widely used for symptomatic control and delayed asthma attacks among patients with multiple sclerosis are known as "ABC drugs". This category consists of drug Avonex, Betaseron and Copaxone.

The so-called ABC drugs are crucial in the treatment of multiple sclerosis because they reduce the intensity, duration and frequency of immune system attacks on healthy cells nervous. These drugs work by activating a number of biological mechanisms that decrease the body's autoimmune response. Prescribed in appropriate doses, each of these drugs mentioned above multiple sclerosis may reduce the frequency and intensity of certain neurological symptoms up to 30 percent.

Avonex (interferon beta-1a) is a drug for multiple sclerosis is very effectual given as intramuscular injections. This medicine is used to treatment for multiple sclerosis to successfully relieve a variety of symptoms such as muscle weakness, visual problems, as well as cognitive disorders (poor concentration, memory loss, confusion). It is administered in adequate doses; Avonex may also reduce the frequency of suggestive asthma attacks. Due to the fact that it also generates many side effects that vary in intensity from mild to moderate, Avonex is usually associated with paracetamol and ibuprofen medicines to minimize the undesirable effects of Avonex in the body. The side effects from prolonged use of Avonex include fever, chills and muscle pain. However, these symptoms are eliminated completely when treatment is stopped.

Betaseron (interferon beta-1b-) is an effective medicine multiple sclerosis primarily given to patients with secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis. Betaseron is given as subcutaneous injections, and produces the best results in the long-term use. Side effects generated by Betaseron are generally gentle and comprises flu-like symptoms and local skin irritation at the injection site.

Copaxone (glatiramer acetate or copolymer-1) is an extra valuable medication used to diminish the frequency and duration of MS flare-ups. This drug is also administered in subcutaneous injections. Unlike interferon drugs, Copaxone is very well tolerated by the body and no noticeable side effects. In particular situation, Copaxone can cause temporary irritation and pain at the injection site. Besides from the popular ABC drugs, treatment of ccsvi ms often consist of medication such as steroids (anti-inflammatory) and anticonvulsant drugs, and antispastic.

Author's Bio: 

The Author is a medical expert by profession and has written articles on various health related issues. At present, She is working for and writing on the topics like : treatment for multiple sclerosis, dental smile makeover, ccsvi ms, cancer hospitals india, full knee replacement etc.