The anti-inflammatory diet can make you feel great! “How,” you ask. By cutting out or significantly reducing your consumption of pro-inflammatory foods. When these foods are cut from your diet, inflammation in the body reduces taking stress and strain from the joints and organs.

While following this diet your chance of weight loss also goes up. “How does this happen,” by reducing your consumption of grain and wheat products, sodas, and other simple sugars that cause excess weight.

I’ll start this discussion by telling you what extra inflammation in the body causes; chronic pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, acne, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, depression, and diabetes. However, this is a shortened list there are many other conditions out there caused by inflammation.

In short summary, the fewer inflammatory foods we eat, the less inflammation we
have in the body.

Background Information on Pro-Inflammatory Foods:

Grains, refined sugars, partial-hydrogenated oils, vegetable and seed oils are from modern man. These foods have been around a short time; hence, obesity and disease are on the rise. Humans are genetically adapted to eat fruits, veggies, nuts, lean meats, and fish, foods not related to chronic diseases.

Why Do Grains Inflame?

Grains contain a protein called gluten. Gluten is the main cause of many digestive diseases, such as celiac disease, also contributor to frequent headaches. They also have a sugar protein called lectins which has been shown to cause inflammation in the digestive system.

Grains also contain phytic acid which is known to reduce the body’s absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Lastly, grains contain high amounts of fatty acid biochemicals called omega-6 fatty acids which do cause inflammation. Fatty acid biochemicals known as omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and found in fresh fish and green vegetables.

What Should I Eat?

Anti inflammatory foods

- All fruits and vegetables (raw or lightly cooked)
- Red and sweet potatoes
- Anti-inflammatory omega-3 eggs
- Raw nuts
- Spices such as ginger, turmeric, garlic
- Organic butter, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil
- Fresh fish, avoid farm raised
- Meat, chicken, eggs from grass-fed animals
- Wild game such as deer, elk, etc.
- Water, organic green tea, red wine, stout beer

For more information on the anti-inflammatory diet, please visit Dr. Steve Smiley’s website

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Steve Smiley is an Indianapolis, Indiana Chiropractor specializing in treating the spine and shoulder. He is also an educator teaching the world about chiropractic and how to live a healthy lifestyle.