What causes us to get hemorrhoids?

This article will teach you the 5 causes for hemorrhoids!

Posture in relation to hemorrhoids?

Long periods of standing causes the blood above the rectum to put pressure on the rectal canal, which can then cause hemorrhoids.

If bleeding should then happen, a hemorrhoidectomy might need to be performed.

Other possibilities for getting enlarged hemorrhoids are diarrhea, colon cancer, being obese, constipation and pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are prevalent in some people regardless.

Would it be possible that constipation causes hemorrhoids?

Constipation causes enlarged hemorrhoids because of straining with bowel movements. Pressure then occurs in the blood vessels and tissue.

This causes the tissue to become red and swollen. A lot of pressure is put on the rectal canal if this happens consistently. Regular intake of laxatives causes diarrhea, increasing people’s chances of developing enlarged hemorrhoids.

Regular strenuous activities is another factor. If you have hemorrhoids don't lift heavy objects or weights at the gym or the hemorrhoids will enlarge even more.

Large hemorrhoids could also be caused by pregnancy. Hemorrhoids enlarge when the growing baby puts pressure on the uterus.

Weight gain and depression is what could then happen. Hemorrhoids can also be caused by poor digestion. Women who are pregnant need to consume high-fiber foods that pass smoothly through the intestines and the colon.

Enlarged hemorrhoids can also be caused by an inactive lifestyle as well as constipation.

Eating poorly can cause hemorrhoids:

If you've been wondering if a bad diet can cause hemorrhoids, then you are absolutely correct! People whose diets don't have much fiber are much more likely to have enlarged hemorrhoids.

It has even been proven that diets loaded with preservatives, additives and lack fiber, contribute to enlarged hemorrhoids. A smoother process of elimination can be achieved by eating a diet rich in fiber, as well as fruits and vegetables.

Could poor toilet and bathroom habits have anything to do with hemorrhoids?

Reading newspapers or magazines while sitting on a toilet gives some people more of a chance of getting enlarged hemorrhoids.

Now that we all know what causes hemorrhoids, it's time to learn how to treat them. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a guide that gave you the tools to get rid of hemorrhoids forever?

Click on this link right now if you would like to get immediate relief from hemorrhoids! There you will discover a lot more natural cures for hemorrhoids.

Author's Bio: 

Jake Bremer is founder of www.AllNaturalCuresForHemorrhoids.com and is a health advocate for issues relating to hemorrhoids.