When reading the newspapers or articles in magazines the level of lawlessness, unethical behaviour, violence, abuse of children and women, drug and alcohol abuse and the overall moral collapse in the world is appalling. Combined with the global warming issue and the abuse of all of the earth's natural resources one cannot but be concerned about the future of the human race.

The human race seem to be heading for extinction caused by the abuse of the earth and each other. This is a sorry state of affairs. It saddens me when one has to search before finding a "good news" story about something positive and praise worthy.

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's handiwork, recreated in Christ Jesus, that we may do those good works which God predestined for us, that we should walk in them."

It does not seem as if we, as the human race, are placing a lot of emphasis on the above scripture. God asks of us to do good work on earth. The way that I understand this verse is that we have to strive towards doing good every day of our lives. This would mean doing good to those closest to us, to people around us, our communities, the world at large and our earth.

Feeling helpless and powerless when faced with the onslaught of bad or negative news is natural. In reality we are not helpless or powerless at all. Accepting our situations and not doing anything about it is however wrong. So what can I do? you might ask.

Good Works that We Can Do!!

• Allow God into every part of your life and allow Him to use you for His purpose.
• Smile and say something positive to at least one person everyday.
• Start "greening" your house and life.
• Expose corruption, illegal activities and poor service delivery when it crosses your path.
• Live your life in such a way that you set an example to the those around you, in your attitude and actions.
• Be an active member of your community and start to reach out to people.
• Believe that God will move in supernatural ways to restore and heal the world.
• Spread the good news and lead people to Jesus.
• Join and/or form groups and communities on the web spreading the good news and doing good works.
• Share what you have with those in need and be unselfish, whether its time, money or resources.
• Pray for others, even your enemies, by yourself or as a group.

Once you start thinking about good works, you can surely come up with more life changing ideas. All of us are part of God's plan and each one of us has a specific task to complete in order for God's plan to be fulfilled in this World.

Therefore, everyone of us has a very important duty to be true to God's Word. Feelings of inadequacy, helplessness and unworthiness does not come from God. Let us take our focus off our own feelings and focus on blessing others instead. We need to grow up in our behaviour, but remain childlike in our attitude of trust and dependence on God.

The world is "crying out" for The Love Of God. We have the power as individuals to make a difference every single day and the ripple effect WILL CHANGE the world as a whole. Take a moment and ask God to provide you with the strength and wisdom to do that which you need to do. Change the things that you can and leave the rest to God...

Author's Bio: 

H.E.Muller is a website owner that believes in God and is passionate about helping people succeed. Visit Alive to God for daily motivational thoughts based on the word of God.