Everyone of us gets lonesome at times, and we need some help from others to cope with loneliness. If you know you've got a lonely friend, here's how to help them.

*You can invite them to dine and watch movies. A lonely friend will sometimes avoid discussing loneliness with others, that's why you are there--as the friend. Going out to a movie, concert, art exhibit etc. will have you something to talk about over dinner.

*Don't leave her alone--yet. Okay, so maybe inviting her to a party can be a cool idea, but don't leave her by herself at the sea of strangers. It will only magnify her lonesomeness all the more.

Tag her along if you want to mingle with the other guests and introduce her to them so that she won't feel out of place.

*Avoid canceling at the last minute. Lonely people, especially a lonely friend will feel that neglected if ever you cancel plans especially at the last minute. It makes them unimportant, since they've already expected something in advance. Remember that lonely people look forward to social invites and happenings as life gets dragging by weeks and even months; canceling will only make them feel disappointed. If you're not sure about the date or if you can't make it, don't confirm in the first place.

*If she has an appointment with a doctor, volunteer to go with her. Research found that physicians said they tend to treat better their patients with caring folks and friends, rather than with socially isolated ones.

*Always let them feel that you're always there. A simple yet thoughtful gesture of leaving a message, texting, emailing or checking in on her will let them feel less lonely and alone.

*Even a casual invitation to an unplanned lunch or a walk in the park can be a big help.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Amy Twain, is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem. Click here to get more info about her Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You.